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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
BraLoD said:
Does Googh even care anymore?


I care. Not about you. :P

Around the Network

Hurray I did it, I kind of enjoyed the game, it had his moments but overall was also dissapointed at some points in the game, could have been better oh well..

I am hyped for Tales of Berseria, hope NCBdai learned their lesson.

F* online trophies.

BraLoD said:

I'm about to platinum Red Dead Redemption but I can't get enough people online to join my posse.
Have been working on that completely messed up online trophies all over last week and on top of that I have to get this damn last trophy that depend on other people alone... dammit.

There is anyone with RDR there willing to help me sometime? I need to form a 8 players posse, keep getting 6 or 7 at most so even one person could already help.


Well I could technically do it but my PS3 is unhooked and sitting in my closet. On top of that I don't want to interrupt any Naruto time I have (AKA time at hom elol)

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Around the Network

Lol I also don't see the point of the name change.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Soooo.... Is The Witness worth buying?

I need something new to play
I'm currently replaying DA:I but damn, gimme more RPGs!!!

I'm playing Bloodborne
At shadow of yarnham fight

BasilZero said:


What was wrong with Tales of Zestiria on PS4 o.O?


Surprised you ask.

-A level up system that doesn't matter. (no stats increase)
- A weapon fusion system that is complicated even the in game characters don't get it.
- It wouldn't be that complicated if they explained it better.
- When you understand it, it can break the game.
-Story/music was alright but nothing amazing. Would love to see someone who think this is the best tales game story/Music/Characters wise and explains it to me.
- The grade shop and how it works this time....
- Alisha and her DLC..... took me 2 hours and ten minutes to beat it. It will only take longer if you choose to grind (for no reason) or get lost in the last annoying dungeon.  
- Had some interesting ideas but feels flat like the lord of the lands,  nobody with his right mind would try to get them at the highest level especially the first couple of lord of the lands.  They could have just made one lord of the land for the whole world that would have been better because the boons are a good idea.
- The fields feel big but the world feels kind of small, the number of cities/sidequests feel low and are boring.  

I am not a Tales expert and not a big fan like for example Soriku but I doubt that this game will be listing in many top 5 Tales of games lists. That's dissapointing especially on new hardware...

Roronaa_chan said:
I'm playing Bloodborne
At shadow of yarnham fight


They're kinda easy.