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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
Roronaa_chan said:
No P5 until summer is good for me
Now I'll get ToZ, D5 and DQH at launch, plus Yoru and Nep in early 2016, plus Vita games. ToZ is no longer a sacrifice
Who needs food anyway
And rent can be overdue, right? It's all good

The fact that you're even questioning the idea of prioritizing gaming over shelter mystifies me. After all, isn't gaming more important than life itself?


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Roronaa_chan said:
No P5 until summer is good for me
Now I'll get ToZ, D5 and DQH at launch, plus Yoru and Nep in early 2016, plus Vita games. ToZ is no longer a sacrifice
Who needs food anyway
And rent can be overdue, right? It's all good

Persona 5 alone would have been able to replace all these games put together.

Persona 5 is love, Persona 5 is life

LuckyTrouble said:
Roronaa_chan said:
No P5 until summer is good for me
Now I'll get ToZ, D5 and DQH at launch, plus Yoru and Nep in early 2016, plus Vita games. ToZ is no longer a sacrifice
Who needs food anyway
And rent can be overdue, right? It's all good

The fact that you're even questioning the idea of prioritizing gaming over shelter mystifies me. After all, isn't gaming more important than life itself?

True but my doctor told me the PS4 won't run without electricity and my body will fall asleep without food. What then? Waifus will be widows.

Quiet's theme is really great, watched that trailer a few more times than normal for that song.

Did you guys found out that Quiet was actually Chico?

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^^ how about we lay off the MGS spoilers, huh?

Why there's 5 "...line up in solid" threads?

Honestly, what the fuck happened today?

Edit: Nevermind, BraLoD gave an answer.

BraLoD said:
bananaking21 said:
^^ how about we lay off the MGS spoilers, huh?

Snake is a lie.

Wa'cha say to me.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

BraLoD said:
LuckyTrouble said:

Let me get the paddles and shock it back to life.

Sony apparently brought it in a big way to TGS with over 100 games present for PS4, and over 60 present for the Vita. Let's not forget the diversity of gaming experiences that have been announced or that are on the horizon to be announced. The PS4 is a monster.

"Focusing entirely on the home consoles and dedicated handhelds, PS4 was easily the market leader with 103 games at TGS, this is more than double the count from TGS 2014, where PS4 had 42 games.

This is followed by the PlayStation Vita, which also is also up from last year by having 62 games at TGS 2015, compared to 34 last year."

But... but... NO GAEMZ!

Lol they are changing it to "no AAA games ".