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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
Porcupeth said:
That's a bit odd. They're going to live stream The Order footage? Wouldn't that be a sign of relative confidence over the game's stage of development? *grinds teeth* maybe they'll tell us today if it's delayed or not..

Well, GTA V had gameplay in it's reveal trailer 2 years before release....

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New poll idea?

Zekkyou said:
bananaking21 said:
Porcupeth said:

edit: sweet! The Order :D

did they say its the order? and when is the live stream, how many hours? 

The Order's logo is in the background so it seems pretty likely it's for that. Starts in 5h45m from now (1pm PT, 8pm GMT).

thanks. and yeah i saw the logo after i made the comment, but thanks again lol. 

Shinobi said we'd get impressions on monday and now we're getting footage today? Maybe he was wrong and there's still hope for a 2014 release.


If they don't mention a time period for The Order tonight, I'm fearing the delay is real.

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DerNebel said:

And I'm sure they would've loved to have more exclusives this year, but those things unfortunately don't always work out. I'd say that if everything went according to their original plan then Sony would've had Knack, Killzone, Driveclub and Infamous at launch and The Order, Uncharted and probably the cancelled SSM game in 2014.

Those delays and in SSM's case cancellations are a pity and to some degree definitely the fault of Sonys management, I mean we all love that they give their studios so much freedom but sometimes they are just too lenient, but at the end of the day it can't be changed anymore, if a game's not done it's not done.

its not the end of the world, i agree, there is still Destiny and Farcry 4 that im REALLY hyped for. but sony promised much more just a year ago, i understand giving devs their time but come on, give us something! 2015 sure seems like it can rape my wallet, Uncharted, The Order, GG new IP, MM New IP, Sony Bend game,  and Rime, i have interest in all those games, im not saying ill surely buy the unannounced games, but im saying i am interest in knowing what they are and possibly buying them due to developers history. 

those are 7 games right there, without even talking about third party games. 

gooch_destroyer said:
New poll idea?

Something E3 related!  Game you are most hoping  to see at E3 maybe?

Then have Last Guardian, Project Beast, GG new IP etc for choices

poklane said:
If they don't mention a time period for The Order tonight, I'm fearing the delay is real.

They should address it, cats out of the bag they shouldnt leave the fans who are anticipating it questioning. they should say its a 2014 or 2015 tittle and end the speculation. 

Zekkyou said:
Awwww yiss, my Vita and copies of Persona 4 and Disgaea 3 just arived :D Now i just need to leave it alone with my 3DS and see if they will make a tiny double screened vita babies.

Congrats!!  It's a great little system. Nice game choices also

Bold prediction: It'll be confirmed for September 2014.