DerNebel said: I'm bored and this thread is way too dead, we should think up some questions to discuss or games we could play, maybe something in regards to E3. Anyone up for some E3 conference bingo? |
i downloaded the updates for Killzone Shadow Fall and the free map packs, then went back to playing me some online warzones. i have to say, this is by far and wide the best online on the PS4. very balanced now, lots and lots of maps, specially after the free ones, intese and has a lot of variety in missions to keep you playing a long time.
the gameplay is a bit "heavy" but i feel thats the beauty of it. you can just throw a grenade and go back to shooting in half a second, every action takes time. its a lot more tactical because of that and doesnt have that "arcade" feel that CoD and Destiny have. cant wait for the next killzone. and yeah, if your still bored after this then you are just a prick