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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Also I found this rumor about PS4 and Vita getting a price cut this year. Obviously take this with a grain of salt; a $349 MRSP seems reasonable for PS4, but $89 for Vita does not make much sense to me.

*edit* Woohoo I got the 11111st reply!

#1 Amb-ass-ador

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bloodborne DLC is in the works.

Bloodborne DLC/Expansion: awesome, kind of a bummer that it will probably not be at E3 but oh well.

EA Battlefront: People should stop this childish BS until we've actually seen gameplay and have gotten gameplay impressions. But hur dur DAE EA literally Hitler? I guess.

PS4 price cut: I still think it'll be a cut to $300 in the holidays, $350 seems ridiculously easy to counter for MS (well actually they are at $350 already) which is important in the US. Considering that Sony is probably well aware that MS is going to be very aggressive this holiday season again I'd say that they know that they'll have to make a real effort this year too (after all MS has an actual big lineup this year not what Xbox fans called a big lineup last year), so $300 starting late October makes way more sense.

DerNebel said:

Bloodborne DLC/Expansion: awesome, kind of a bummer that it will probably not be at E3 but oh well.

EA Battlefront: People should stop this childish BS until we've actually seen gameplay and have gotten gameplay impressions. But hur dur DAE EA literally Hitler? I guess.

PS4 price cut: I still think it'll be a cut to $300 in the holidays, $350 seems ridiculously easy to counter for MS (well actually they are at $350 already) which is important in the US. Considering that Sony is probably well aware that MS is going to be very aggressive this holiday season again I'd say that they know that they'll have to make a real effort this year too (after all MS has an actual big lineup this year not what Xbox fans called a big lineup last year), so $300 starting late October makes way more sense.

If they lower the price im kinda interested if it will be worldwide
Going down to 300€ in Europe would match it again withe X1 and probably kill it completely off*
In the US it would probably make it again easier for Sony and hurt the holidayplans of MS in the US,which is the only thing that counts for them in the whole year and not sooo much for Sony.

Standard price here for a year now.PS4 still the cheapest at 400€ with game.X1 with game(Halo MCC or ACU currently) 320€ at most directly in the shops.
So if Sony drops the price to 300€ in Europe this will just be insane.

Wurstbrotkrieg said:

If they lower the price im kinda interested if it will be worldwide
Going down to 300€ in Europe would match it again withe X1 and probably kill it completely off*
In the US it would probably make it again easier for Sony and hurt the holidayplans of MS in the US,which is the only thing that counts for them in the whole year and not sooo much for Sony.

Standard price here for a year now.PS4 still the cheapest at 400€ with game.X1 with game(Halo MCC or ACU currently) 320€ at most directly in the shops.
So if Sony drops the price to 300€ in Europe this will just be insane.

If they drop the price then they'll drop it worldwide I'm sure, especially if they announce it in Paris like I suspect they will.

Also that 300€ price is not for every Media Markt, if you go online it's 360€ with a game for example, many retailers have different special offers in different locations, for example you could buy the PS4 at Saturn for 380€ in my city a couple weeks ago and I myself got one for 350€ from Berlin back in March. 

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FYI, no one has claimed the Sony E3 thread yet:

celador said:
FYI, no one has claimed the Sony E3 thread yet:

Don't have the time otherwise I'd do it.

celador said:
FYI, no one has claimed the Sony E3 thread yet:

i wont be awake the time it airs, so i wont be handling it. i want to do the gamescom one though. 

Some Need for Speed info via the German PlayStation Blog (already taken down again):

  • Releasing this fall
  • Fully customizable cars
  • Working with
  • Only mentioning PlayStation 4, so current gen only most likely
  • More info at E3

I guess the DLC will be where their is a chest with a door locked on the left side. (bloodborne) but I am really not excited for BB DLC felt like I had enough of it.