NiKKoM said: There is only one that can save Sony |
It's no wonder that Sony have already announced so many Spiderman movies, it makes them good money. Hope they don't run Spiderman into the ground
NiKKoM said: There is only one that can save Sony |
It's no wonder that Sony have already announced so many Spiderman movies, it makes them good money. Hope they don't run Spiderman into the ground
Funny thing is every time I've gone to buy a TV (for the last 3 TV purchases) Sony TVs* have always had all the features I want, and none of the features I don't want at the best price. Timing I guess. I always go into the TV shop with no brand preference. The latest TV I bought I was thinking about an LG model, but Bravia had that extra inch of screen space for the same price. Whaddya gonna do?
*I can't write Bravia because the 1st of those 3 TVs was a CRT about 2 years before Bravia became a thing; or at least an affordable thing for me.
I don't know why people are piling on the doom train more than they have already. We knew a huge loss was incoming with the hope for a profit year for 2014/15. The loss is huger, but that hasn't necessarily meant that 2014/15 can't still be a profit year. They just might have to spin off disc manufacturing to a standalone company.
Online service people that's where to go. So start off by making your whole movie and TV library available online. Cut out the broadcaster middleman who just takes their own slice of profits when we are well beyond that and the producer can now have a direct link to the consumer.
“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix
Welp .... that sucks. Gotta get the Alpha 7 camera along with the Z2 and a new Bravia to replace my old one, so at least they'll get a bump. xD Hopefully Sony will continue doing what's necessary to be profitable in the future.
Playstation = The Beast from the East
Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS
Well that sucks. Looks like they need to cut out more bullshit, but I am glad that Playstation is doing good though.
daredevil.shark said: While Sony thinks TV division is just a small blister but in reality it has turned into gangrene. They need to get rid off loss making divisions. A healthy small company is always better than a large corporation that might go bankrupt. |
its not easy to just drop their TV division. Its not like they don't sell any TVs.. And with their TVs they sell a lot of stuff related to it:
Dvd- Bluray players, streaming media boxes, surround sets, home cinema sets, playstation itself, content like movies and games.. the TV is a big part of their Eco-system and everything related will be affect with no more Sony TVs.. There are still a lot of people out there who think that when you buy a Sony TV you should get a Sony Bluray player and a Sony surround set cause that "works" better..
Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)
NiKKoM said: There is only one that can save Sony |
That and...
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game_on said: Well Microsoft's X1 isn't doing that well but the compagny as a whole is. So I guess that's yin yang... |
XB1/Gaming is making a healthy profit too tho, that's what the "Playstation is doing well" bit means, making a profit.
kowenicki said: Oh look, yet another down grade of their forecast. Its not even funny any more. They do it, time and time and time again. 3 different profit ewarnigns in 6 months, each worse than the last?
I was actually just about to ask when was the last time this didn't happen lol
You would think that after so long (apparently 6 years), they'd have made the necessary changes. It truly is baffling that this continues year after year. I mean how much longer can this go on?
WTF happened to Sony? It seems like the only decent thing they have going for them is Playstation, and that's not enough to keep the company as a whole from hemorrhaging money. Not good.
The death spiral continues... Oh Dear!
Does anyoune know how long this can continue, before the point of no return?