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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Last of US 3rd DLC pack contents announced

Does anyone else here play the "Rainbow Six" esque multiplayer of The Last of US?

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

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Heavenly Sigma said:
Does anyone else here play the "Rainbow Six" esque multiplayer of The Last of US?

I do! And love it :D It sucks when the rest of my teamates don't know what they're doing however, but I've been having more consistent teams recently, maybe because I got better too.

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...

Who knows how hard these guys worked on the difficulty level? We don't know how much time, energy, testing and resources went into developing the supposedly improved AI. Clearly they feel the energy warrants a few bucks per purchase. Is it really worth it? That's going to be a subjective matter for individual customers, but there's nothing inherently greedy or wrong with this business move.

Zekkyou said:
The 'Grounded Mode' leads me to believe someone over at ND is a sick son of a bitch. I almost killed a 2 kitten and a puppy trying to beat the game on Survivor, and now they want me to endure more self abuse? D:

Oh now don't be silly, survivor isn't that bad (Probably just you, but for me, Survivior is just hard mode only minus listen mode entirely as well as smarter AI and less supplies, in which I use stealth and my fist mostly throughout the game). You know, Grounded Mode maybe become the most realistic difficulty in any game I have ever played so if you want me to torture myself for the truest experience of The Last of Us, then I must say...

(After all, I did platinum Call of Duty: World at War, Killzone 2, Batman Arkham City, and many other hard and challenging games, though I have yet to platinum Demon's/Dark souls and Killzone: Shadow Fall because those games are such grinds of platinums).

Edit: Oh, almost forgot, 5 f***ing dollars for an extra difficulty?! Naughty Dog, please don't fall into Capcom levels of greed, or you're are going to lose alot of respect from us).

$5 for a difficulty setting is pretty fucking greedy. Even I can't defend that kind of behavior. Then again, I got the season pass and have been saving money on TLOU DLC ever since so I will get it regardless. Still, puts a bad taste in my mouth.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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DerNebel said:
Grounded Mode is $4.99??? Are you fucking kidding me?

How much do you know about AI programming ?

Grounded mode? challenge accepted.
Survival mode wasn't that hard tbh

Areym said:
$5 for a difficulty setting is pretty fucking greedy. Even I can't defend that kind of behavior. Then again, I got the season pass and have been saving money on TLOU DLC ever since so I will get it regardless. Still, puts a bad taste in my mouth.

I-I have a question about the season pass: if I buy it now, can I still get every dlc using it? Or only the DLC that haven't yest released? Thanks

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...
Fusioncode said:
Don't make me pay extra for a difficulty mode. That's Capcom levels of greed.

My only response to this is... Its optional.

stuffmakesmelol said:

(After all, I did platinum Call of Duty: World at War, Killzone 2, Batman Arkham City, and many other hard and challenging games, though I have yet to platinum Demon's/Dark souls and Killzone: Shadow Fall because those games are such grinds of platinums).

Try to plat CoD: Classic. No grind at all and pretty fun and satisfying when you complete a level.
The veteran mode was one of the most fun difficulties I ever played, yet so frustrating at times (like dying 38 times at 1 checkpoint).