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Forums - Sony Discussion - 80 gig ps3 off the sony the website

Umm, Zen, did you just go insane and give a rant like me on a SIGNATURE QUOTE? Please, please, please please relax. This is from me, who is most commonly related to a raving lunatic.

Also, How many SKU's can you count? 20,40,60,80, Japan and white PS3? What will we get tommorow? They really hate confusing their customers with multiple SKU's. Sorry, but it's a rule. PR we agree with that they in turn Piss on then feed back to us must be mocked for at least 6 years. Although home would be nice. Second life with more gaming acheivements and less animal sex.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

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Well at least Sony is good, with keeping only 2 active SKUs at one time. Lets see here with the upcoming Opus repaired skus Microsoft will have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 6 SKUs at one time, if thats not confusing to customers idk wtf is.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ZenfoldorVGI said:
dabaus513 said:


Sony's keynote is tommarow right? Perhaps they will announce they are dumping the 80 gig in place for the "ps3 ultimate" that has alot of gigs and full backwards compat with Dualshock3 to boot? Of course this is just my prediction, what is yours?

I think you should consider changing your sig, or quoting it in the proper context. Do so, and I would also be willing to change mine, fanboy Wii-hater.


When you reread it several times, yes you can see the original context, which I will give you the benefit of the doubt for, but I believe that you have left it as it is, because at first glance, it infers that the Wii's software lineup including 1st party support, and/or the Wii console itself, is a "pile of trash" which is simply NOT, and infact, CONTRARY TOO the initial meaning of the blog. My problem isn't with the quote, actually, it's with the statement " on the wii." that you added at the end. It's not "on the Wii" it's "on the Wii's shovelware." It's obviously referring to the systems library of shovelware, if you read the blog. What it is NOT referring too is the hardware of the Wii, nor the Wii first party games, which are heavily praised in the article along with Zack and Wiki, and other good 3rd party games.


Not only is Nintendo's 3rd party software, and overall software lineup insulted by this likely misinterrupertation, but I'm sure the author of the blog wouldn't want you going around telling everyone on VGchartz that you quoted him as saying the Wii is a heap of trash.


With all the politics in the news lately we are all a little more up on quoting people and things out of context. This is obviously a prime example. I will not argue that somehow it's not, it obviously is, and it's misleading. That is not the point of the discussion, or this post. I will gladly drop it completely, however, if you will simply cite the source instead of "about the Wii" to "about the Wii's 3rd party support" or "About the Wii's shovelware" or however you want to word it.

 Thanks for your opinion.




ssj12: This is very true. What company said they wanted only 1 SKU, and what company announced since the beginning they would have at least 2, then more in the future? Huh. Isn't that strange.

I'm actually not attacking the SKU's, they make sense business side I suppose, just the fantastic comments that they fully deserve more shit than I can give for.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

Fuzzmosis said:
ssj12: This is very true. What company said they wanted only 1 SKU, and what company announced since the beginning they would have at least 2, then more in the future? Huh. Isn't that strange.

I'm actually not attacking the SKU's, they make sense business side I suppose, just the fantastic comments that they fully deserve more shit than I can give for.

well at least it seems you would agree that Sony's SKU system makes more sense on a consumer level. I still feel bad for anyone who buys the core or arcade 360 SKUs. 

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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ssj12: I said business side. Sony figured with all the value, things would sell well! Then it didn't, so they said screw it, made it cheaper, and it sold a bit better, so they kept that up. So far as I can tell, the 60gb version has the best value still.

40Gb Ps3 can't even play Rock Band with more than 2 instruments without buying a USB splitter (if they are compatible) That's great consumer value right there.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

I don't think Sony will lower the price of the 40GB model tomorrow. Sony will release the silver 40GB PS3 in Japan on 3/6. Same spec, same price. Why would they cut the price at this moment?

They will probably keep 1 SKU (40GB) worldwide for few more weeks until the depletion of all SKU bundled with the spiderman DVD. Then release another SKU with larger hard drive and DS3 (possibly MGS4 special edition). Whether Sony will cut the price again depends on M$'s move.

Has anyone noticed that 40GB PS3 w/o spiderman DVD is already on the market? I saw both at Fry's last weekend and found out the old 40GB model weighs 7 kg and the new 40GB model weighs 6.5 kg. I wonder why, new motherboard?

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

No 80 GB PS3? Could they be replacing it with yet, another model? A 120 GB, or 160 GB version? It's not an iPod! Keep it at one model, and one model only. Maybe they wont replace the 80B model at all. Maybe the 40 GB model will be the only version. That doesn't make sense, because they removed the 20 GB model, in favor of the higher, 60 GB model, so after removing the 60 GB model, in favor for the 80 GB, and 40 GB models, why would they remove the 80 GB model, in favor of the lesser, 40 GB model, unless they replace the 80GB model, with perhaps, a higher, 120 GB, or 160 GB model? How many models, need to exist? Worse, they removed the PS2 backwards compatibility from the newer models, so does it really even matter if the newer ones, get more GB? It's not like you're going to use, even more than 40 GB of memory on your Playstation 3. Besides, the 60 GB model will always be the best, because it has the most GB, while still having full backwards compatibility, unless they put the backwards compatibility back into future Playstation 3 consoles, with more than 60 GB. Soon, we are going to get 360 GB versions. Yeah, that would cause some confusion.

Hey, look! The 80 GB model isn't missing!

dabaus513 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
dabaus513 said:


Sony's keynote is tommarow right? Perhaps they will announce they are dumping the 80 gig in place for the "ps3 ultimate" that has alot of gigs and full backwards compat with Dualshock3 to boot? Of course this is just my prediction, what is yours?

I think you should consider changing your sig, or quoting it in the proper context. Do so, and I would also be willing to change mine, fanboy Wii-hater.


When you reread it several times, yes you can see the original context, which I will give you the benefit of the doubt for, but I believe that you have left it as it is, because at first glance, it infers that the Wii's software lineup including 1st party support, and/or the Wii console itself, is a "pile of trash" which is simply NOT, and infact, CONTRARY TOO the initial meaning of the blog. My problem isn't with the quote, actually, it's with the statement " on the wii." that you added at the end. It's not "on the Wii" it's "on the Wii's shovelware." It's obviously referring to the systems library of shovelware, if you read the blog. What it is NOT referring too is the hardware of the Wii, nor the Wii first party games, which are heavily praised in the article along with Zack and Wiki, and other good 3rd party games.


Not only is Nintendo's 3rd party software, and overall software lineup insulted by this likely misinterrupertation, but I'm sure the author of the blog wouldn't want you going around telling everyone on VGchartz that you quoted him as saying the Wii is a heap of trash.


With all the politics in the news lately we are all a little more up on quoting people and things out of context. This is obviously a prime example. I will not argue that somehow it's not, it obviously is, and it's misleading. That is not the point of the discussion, or this post. I will gladly drop it completely, however, if you will simply cite the source instead of "about the Wii" to "about the Wii's 3rd party support" or "About the Wii's shovelware" or however you want to word it.

Thanks for your opinion.

Figured you'd be an ass. Be seeing you around I guess.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.