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ZenfoldorVGI said:
dabaus513 said:


Sony's keynote is tommarow right? Perhaps they will announce they are dumping the 80 gig in place for the "ps3 ultimate" that has alot of gigs and full backwards compat with Dualshock3 to boot? Of course this is just my prediction, what is yours?

I think you should consider changing your sig, or quoting it in the proper context. Do so, and I would also be willing to change mine, fanboy Wii-hater.


When you reread it several times, yes you can see the original context, which I will give you the benefit of the doubt for, but I believe that you have left it as it is, because at first glance, it infers that the Wii's software lineup including 1st party support, and/or the Wii console itself, is a "pile of trash" which is simply NOT, and infact, CONTRARY TOO the initial meaning of the blog. My problem isn't with the quote, actually, it's with the statement " on the wii." that you added at the end. It's not "on the Wii" it's "on the Wii's shovelware." It's obviously referring to the systems library of shovelware, if you read the blog. What it is NOT referring too is the hardware of the Wii, nor the Wii first party games, which are heavily praised in the article along with Zack and Wiki, and other good 3rd party games.


Not only is Nintendo's 3rd party software, and overall software lineup insulted by this likely misinterrupertation, but I'm sure the author of the blog wouldn't want you going around telling everyone on VGchartz that you quoted him as saying the Wii is a heap of trash.


With all the politics in the news lately we are all a little more up on quoting people and things out of context. This is obviously a prime example. I will not argue that somehow it's not, it obviously is, and it's misleading. That is not the point of the discussion, or this post. I will gladly drop it completely, however, if you will simply cite the source instead of "about the Wii" to "about the Wii's 3rd party support" or "About the Wii's shovelware" or however you want to word it.

 Thanks for your opinion.