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No 80 GB PS3? Could they be replacing it with yet, another model? A 120 GB, or 160 GB version? It's not an iPod! Keep it at one model, and one model only. Maybe they wont replace the 80B model at all. Maybe the 40 GB model will be the only version. That doesn't make sense, because they removed the 20 GB model, in favor of the higher, 60 GB model, so after removing the 60 GB model, in favor for the 80 GB, and 40 GB models, why would they remove the 80 GB model, in favor of the lesser, 40 GB model, unless they replace the 80GB model, with perhaps, a higher, 120 GB, or 160 GB model? How many models, need to exist? Worse, they removed the PS2 backwards compatibility from the newer models, so does it really even matter if the newer ones, get more GB? It's not like you're going to use, even more than 40 GB of memory on your Playstation 3. Besides, the 60 GB model will always be the best, because it has the most GB, while still having full backwards compatibility, unless they put the backwards compatibility back into future Playstation 3 consoles, with more than 60 GB. Soon, we are going to get 360 GB versions. Yeah, that would cause some confusion.