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I don't think Sony will lower the price of the 40GB model tomorrow. Sony will release the silver 40GB PS3 in Japan on 3/6. Same spec, same price. Why would they cut the price at this moment?

They will probably keep 1 SKU (40GB) worldwide for few more weeks until the depletion of all SKU bundled with the spiderman DVD. Then release another SKU with larger hard drive and DS3 (possibly MGS4 special edition). Whether Sony will cut the price again depends on M$'s move.

Has anyone noticed that 40GB PS3 w/o spiderman DVD is already on the market? I saw both at Fry's last weekend and found out the old 40GB model weighs 7 kg and the new 40GB model weighs 6.5 kg. I wonder why, new motherboard?

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX