Kresnik said: Dev confirms: Vita is a home console. |
By default. The few people who own one are too ashamed to take it out of the house.
Kresnik said: Dev confirms: Vita is a home console. |
By default. The few people who own one are too ashamed to take it out of the house.
If you want the thread title to be a real attention-grabber, you should change it to "Cult County cancelled for 3DS, now coming to PS4/Vita"
Anyway when I saw how much they were asking for, my heart sank. Renegade Kid is not a very well-known developer outside of 3DS owners, and now they are making a pitch to everyone EXCEPT their main audience. I'm afraid they will struggle to reach $100,000, let alone six times that amount. I feel like it would be incredibly rude to ask Jools, but I wonder what they will do if the Kickstarter fails.
Kresnik said:
I knew it. It was obvious all along!
OT: This looks pretty cool. Shame it's not coming to 3DS, but it's still an intriguing concept and one I could get behind. I'll be keeping an eye on this, for sure.
Wait will it be a physical game or a digital only?
toot1231 said: Wait will it be a physical game or a digital only? |
It's episodic, so digital.
the_dengle said: I feel like it would be incredibly rude to ask Jools, but I wonder what they will do if the Kickstarter fails. |
It would be very rude. You'd be giving him hope that his kickstarter might succeed by choosing to say if.
Kresnik said:
Hooray! The Wii U is not the weakest 8th generation home console anymore! ^ω^
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