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Forums - Website Topics - WHo Is THe Oldest mEmBer Of VgChartz?

Im not so new but love this site


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superchunk said:
I'm 32.

oh, as far as vgc member ship goes. I think that was brosnat...Just put a 1 in place of your member id.

I started in December 2006.

I have you beat by a wide margin, as far as actual age is concerned, but when it comes to membership age, I'm just learning to suck my thumb... 

Jan 1, 2008!

i joined may 30th,2007.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

I joined January 28th, 2008..

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It would really be a lot of fun seeing the earliest threads from VGChartz.. A lot of them have been popping up and hopefully ioi is keeping an archive of everything that we could read some day. I started lurking around the start of last year but didn't officially join until 4/19/07.


VGChartz deserves a Wiki page.



Iam 44 and I joined jan 1 2007
but I dont post enough to have an oppinion!

Actually, I can find some posts by the first 2 members. We can then clearly see if the current nr 3 is the first non-ioi or if he is the second non-ioi.

Hmm. That wasn't so easy. This is nr 3s first post, which means the poster is almost certainly nr 1 or nr 2.

Do you think topic creator is ioi?

Wait! Aha! This guy was probably second. Because look here:

Second post is on 23rd at 07:18. There are only nr 1, 2 and 3 who could have posted here, since from nr 7 and out were created on 24th, and nr 4, 5 and 6 didn't post untill after 09.00. Thererfore, these 3 are the first 3. Therefore, is the guy with 1 single post ioi? Would he answer his own post? I say no.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

^actually I have seen ioi post as ioi in threads that broshnat created.

The poster with 95 posts is broshnat I think, and the oterh blank one wit 1 post I have no idea, though it is obviously No1 or No2.
I think I vaguely remember Broshnat being No2 though, which is odd considering he made the site... perhaps No1 had to be reserved back then, and he did post in the same thread just to test them?

either that or someone managed to join up after the forum was created but before ioi did it with broshnat, which is entirely possible considering the site had been up and running for month and a half before the forums were added.