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Actually, I can find some posts by the first 2 members. We can then clearly see if the current nr 3 is the first non-ioi or if he is the second non-ioi.

Hmm. That wasn't so easy. This is nr 3s first post, which means the poster is almost certainly nr 1 or nr 2.

Do you think topic creator is ioi?

Wait! Aha! This guy was probably second. Because look here:

Second post is on 23rd at 07:18. There are only nr 1, 2 and 3 who could have posted here, since from nr 7 and out were created on 24th, and nr 4, 5 and 6 didn't post untill after 09.00. Thererfore, these 3 are the first 3. Therefore, is the guy with 1 single post ioi? Would he answer his own post? I say no.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS