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Forums - Sales Discussion - UK Charts Week Ending 15 March 2014

Seece said:
adriane23 said:
A 96% rise sounds impressive until you consider the actual number of consoles sold, which wasn't that much. It's basically like saying I experienced a 96% increase in income, but my income before the increase was only $0.10.

Except 8k isn't a low number for the UK, so yes 96% is good. This isn't a scenario where a console sells like 100 units and rises 1000% or something, don't get the two confused ..

@JLmurph - We don't.

It is a low number when you consider the facts. The PS4 averages what the X1 peaked. And don't forget that MS dropped the price of the X1 as well as giving TitanFall away for free (which accounted for 70% of the sales). Wit that much incentive, the numbers should've been much higher considering they used to own the UK market.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


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adriane23 said:
Seece said:
adriane23 said:
A 96% rise sounds impressive until you consider the actual number of consoles sold, which wasn't that much. It's basically like saying I experienced a 96% increase in income, but my income before the increase was only $0.10.

Except 8k isn't a low number for the UK, so yes 96% is good. This isn't a scenario where a console sells like 100 units and rises 1000% or something, don't get the two confused ..

@JLmurph - We don't.

It is a low number when you consider the facts. The PS4 averages what the X1 peaked. And don't forget that MS dropped the price of the X1 as well as giving TitanFall away for free (which accounted for 70% of the sales). Wit that much incentive, the numbers should've been much higher considering they used to own the UK market.

Not talking about that, talking about your ridiculous comparison. What PS4 is doing doesn't mean figures XB1 puts up are no good. Considering everything, it's fine.


Seece said:
adriane23 said:
Seece said:
adriane23 said:
A 96% rise sounds impressive until you consider the actual number of consoles sold, which wasn't that much. It's basically like saying I experienced a 96% increase in income, but my income before the increase was only $0.10.

Except 8k isn't a low number for the UK, so yes 96% is good. This isn't a scenario where a console sells like 100 units and rises 1000% or something, don't get the two confused ..

@JLmurph - We don't.

It is a low number when you consider the facts. The PS4 averages what the X1 peaked. And don't forget that MS dropped the price of the X1 as well as giving TitanFall away for free (which accounted for 70% of the sales). Wit that much incentive, the numbers should've been much higher considering they used to own the UK market.

Not talking about that, talking about your ridiculous comparison. What PS4 is doing doesn't mean figures XB1 puts up are no good. Considering everything, it's fine.

Considering everything, do you really think MS is happy with a spike in sales that only managed to match their competitor that hasn't had a major game out since November? Good thing you don't work for MS. And my analogy is perfectly fine good sir.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Dark_Feanor said:
pezus said:
Dark_Feanor said:
It baffles me people are still talking about "supply constrained" to justify PS4 selling 10% of what it did for launch weeks across the globe.

Let it go people, let it go.

Yeah, that 72% boost happened for no reason, people. Why must you keep up the act every week? You've been obviously wrong for a while now.

A 72% incrise that only a randon twitter guy said it happened, though he claims "It's a UK retailer that received the Chart-Track report that details the hardware numbers"...

This 72% is from a single retailer, and God knows which.

You only have to look at the software for PS4 to know that there was a large increase in HW. There is no other way to explain so many games going up iun the charts, including ACIV making a reappearance in the chart at 15. That's climbing over 25 places in a single week. Whereas most Xb one games went down in the charts despite a 96% increase in HW. Curious that.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


mr_capello said:
I just checked amazon germany
the pc version is way above the xbox one version in germany
xbox one version #71
pc version #37
origin code #8
the titanfall bundle is not even in the top 100
I don't think the germans are interested in the xbox one and
I think digital sales are slowly taking over

Yes, Xbone is not very popular here and PC is really, really big in Germany.

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pezus said:
jlmurph2 said:
mr_capello said:
I just checked amazon germany
the pc version is way above the xbox one version in germany
xbox one version #71
pc version #37
origin code #8
the titanfall bundle is not even in the top 100
I don't think the germans are interested in the xbox one and
I think digital sales are slowly taking over

Germany is PC haven, everyone knows that

Digital PC version is also ahead of the One version on Amazon US, and has been for a few days (not lifetime sales though). That to me was unexpected, since it's just as easy to buy straight through Origin. PC digital is so massive.

That's not very reliable since the chart is updated hourly. And with X1 there's 2 sources for Titanfall on that hourly 100 list. It changes too much to say which one is selling more. Like right now Titanfall and the Titanfall Xbox One are right next to eachother.

jlmurph2 said:
pezus said:
jlmurph2 said:
mr_capello said:
I just checked amazon germany
the pc version is way above the xbox one version in germany
xbox one version #71
pc version #37
origin code #8
the titanfall bundle is not even in the top 100
I don't think the germans are interested in the xbox one and
I think digital sales are slowly taking over

Germany is PC haven, everyone knows that

Digital PC version is also ahead of the One version on Amazon US, and has been for a few days (not lifetime sales though). That to me was unexpected, since it's just as easy to buy straight through Origin. PC digital is so massive.

That's not very reliable since the chart is updated hourly. And with X1 there's 2 sources for Titanfall on that hourly 100 list. It changes too much to say which one is selling more. Like right now Titanfall and the Titanfall Xbox One are right next to eachother.

I don't know how reliable these charts are but the pc version and the xbox one version are so far apart I can't imagine it ever overtaking it and it just paints a picture how different the uk is compared to the rest of europe

xbox one #80
pc version #28
origin code #18
the titanfall bundle is now #95

overall I think for a new ip it is a great start especially for a online mp only game and I think it will remain in the charts a long time  after word of mouth made its rounds but I think alot of people were expecting it to be more of a "shaker" than it is.  I just proofs again that 1 game alone doesn't change that much and that the hype gaming press has not that much of an impact

pezus said:
jlmurph2 said:
pezus said:
jlmurph2 said:
mr_capello said:
I just checked amazon germany
the pc version is way above the xbox one version in germany
xbox one version #71
pc version #37
origin code #8
the titanfall bundle is not even in the top 100
I don't think the germans are interested in the xbox one and
I think digital sales are slowly taking over

Germany is PC haven, everyone knows that

Digital PC version is also ahead of the One version on Amazon US, and has been for a few days (not lifetime sales though). That to me was unexpected, since it's just as easy to buy straight through Origin. PC digital is so massive.

That's not very reliable since the chart is updated hourly. And with X1 there's 2 sources for Titanfall on that hourly 100 list. It changes too much to say which one is selling more. Like right now Titanfall and the Titanfall Xbox One are right next to eachother.

"and has been for a few days"

There are also two sources for the PC version. Digital code and boxed.

In the top 100?

colafitte said:
So Infamous Second Son will sell more than Titanfall confirmed???? Because recently Sony told the game was more pre-ordered than The Last of us, and it seems that game sold more than Titanfall.

96% more is a good number but nothing ground-breaking, definitively not enough to beat PS4 in the long run. Infamous SS will do similar for PS4 next week.

Why was this ever in doubt?  It is the third iteration of an established IP, and the most anticipated exclusive game on PS4 this year?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
colafitte said:
So Infamous Second Son will sell more than Titanfall confirmed???? Because recently Sony told the game was more pre-ordered than The Last of us, and it seems that game sold more than Titanfall.

96% more is a good number but nothing ground-breaking, definitively not enough to beat PS4 in the long run. Infamous SS will do similar for PS4 next week.

Why was this ever in doubt?  It is the third iteration of an established IP, and the most anticipated exclusive game on PS4 this year?

Pretty sure a lot more people were saying Titanfall was going to sell more than Infamous.