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Forums - Sales Discussion - UK Charts Week Ending 15 March 2014

No one talking about Dark Souls 2 selling more on the 360 than the PS3!! bloody titanfall, taking all the discussion! lol

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A 96% rise sounds impressive until you consider the actual number of consoles sold, which wasn't that much. It's basically like saying I experienced a 96% increase in income, but my income before the increase was only $0.10.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Are UK numbers easier to predict or something? Because if VGChartz was way off for X1's February in US, how do we know that the numbers are correct for UK?

adriane23 said:
A 96% rise sounds impressive until you consider the actual number of consoles sold, which wasn't that much. It's basically like saying I experienced a 96% increase in income, but my income before the increase was only $0.10.

Except 8k isn't a low number for the UK, so yes 96% is good. This isn't a scenario where a console sells like 100 units and rises 1000% or something, don't get the two confused ..

@JLmurph - We don't.


Dark_Feanor said:
It baffles me people are still talking about "supply constrained" to justify PS4 selling 10% of what it did for launch weeks across the globe.

Let it go people, let it go.

Are you ban baiting? By saying stupid stuff that are easily proven wrong to get other people banned because they get a little too much emotional in their responses?

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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chapset said:
Dark_Feanor said:
It baffles me people are still talking about "supply constrained" to justify PS4 selling 10% of what it did for launch weeks across the globe.

Let it go people, let it go.

Are you ban baiting? By saying stupid stuff that are easily proven wrong to get other people banned because they get a little too much emotional in their responses?

Chapset what are you on about? Every PS fan is saying that if supply was there it would be doing 1m weekly! And that's just in North America!

sully1311 said:
chapset said:
Dark_Feanor said:
It baffles me people are still talking about "supply constrained" to justify PS4 selling 10% of what it did for launch weeks across the globe.

Let it go people, let it go.

Are you ban baiting? By saying stupid stuff that are easily proven wrong to get other people banned because they get a little too much emotional in their responses?

Chapset what are you on about? Every PS fan is saying that if supply was there it would be doing 1m weekly! And that's just in North America!

So having a 72% boost week over week ( no price cut, no major release) doesn't hint a supply issue to you? And there's no need for hyperbole it would do 900k at best hahahaha

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

So after all that marketing, hype, bundle and price drop the X1 outsells PS4 by only 7k opening week of Titanfall. With the lead still around 225-230k it's going to take a few more GoTG's to get it done.

chapset said:
sully1311 said:
chapset said:
Dark_Feanor said:
It baffles me people are still talking about "supply constrained" to justify PS4 selling 10% of what it did for launch weeks across the globe.

Let it go people, let it go.

Are you ban baiting? By saying stupid stuff that are easily proven wrong to get other people banned because they get a little too much emotional in their responses?

Chapset what are you on about? Every PS fan is saying that if supply was there it would be doing 1m weekly! And that's just in North America!

So having a 72% boost week over week ( no price cut, no major release) doesn't hint a supply issue to you? And there's no need for hyperbole it would do 900k at best hahahaha

Hey, I'm just proving what Dark_Feanor is claiming. Apparently we're all expecting it to do launch figures all the time.

pezus said:
Dark_Feanor said:
It baffles me people are still talking about "supply constrained" to justify PS4 selling 10% of what it did for launch weeks across the globe.

Let it go people, let it go.

Yeah, that 72% boost happened for no reason, people. Why must you keep up the act every week? You've been obviously wrong for a while now.

A 72% incrise that only a randon twitter guy said it happened, though he claims "It's a UK retailer that received the Chart-Track report that details the hardware numbers"...

This 72% is from a single retailer, and God knows which.