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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - EDGE gives Yoshi's New Island 4/10 [62 on Metacritic]

Scizor_99 said:
Mr Khan said:
Squeezol said:
Graphics always looked terrible to me.. Also, the Metascore isn't horrible for Yoshi. I mean, Yoshi's Story doesn't have a great score either.

Yeah, the Yoshi games have never been critical darlings. Even "Island" was disliked in its day.

I was a baby when the original Yoshi's Island came out, so I never experienced the never hype for it, but I can understand how impressive it was on an artistic and technical level. The thing is, when I went back and played it, it just didn't feel that fun. I didn't like the art direction (yes, not even the art direction of the original) and found the gameplay to be dull and slow-moving. I got my hopes up for this game when I saw a lot of the same neat mechanics that people seemed to liked in the trailers, but it looks like it wasn't enough. Though, I have to wonder if people just got turned off by the art style (which I think is actually quite appropriate for the game) and the initial. Regardless, it seems like I'll be skipping this one. On to Kirby: Triple Deluxe!

Honestly i was never that jazzed by the original Island either. I was very "meh" on it when it came out on GBA, which is odd because i LOVE Yoshi's Story (could be an issue of nostalgia filter, but i feel the game holds up much better. Could be i'm a sucker for branching-patch platformers with an exploration element)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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RolStoppable said:
MikeRox said:
I did, I even live in the EU so had them earlier :P However, none of those are actual Nintendo (as in in house) games.

Isn't Xenoblade the 3rd game in the Xeno**** set? (Xenogear PS1 and Xenosaga PS2)

I did enjoy Pandora's Tower, great use of the Wii Remote, but again, more 2nd party affair rather than an actual Nintendo game, much like I don't consider Banjo Kazooie/Conker/Jet Force Gemini etc actual Nintendo games.

I know where you live. I also know that you are a bad character, because you didn't buy the Castlevania game on the 3DS.

Anyway, a new IP has to be developed inhouse, so I say "What about Wii Sports?" and you say that's not the type of game that counts. Therefore we can basically skip one back and forth. Since Steel Diver isn't particularly good, it doesn't count either. So what it comes down to is some very specific qualifiers. Okay, that was a good discussion. It led nowhere, but it didn't take long.

HOW DARE YOU! Such slander!!! I even have the posters for it!

Such myths must be busted! :D :P

And it's still there :P



Wii Sports and Steel Diver I'll give you. However, they still don't have the magic of Pikmin :p and particularly Wii Sports is a different type of game (I loved it, I was there day 1 with the Wii just like I was with the Wii U) however, I still think Nintendo are "going through the motions" of their existing IPs at the moment and it's damaging them.

I grew up with a Nintendo who were constantly introducing new things. I'd say the last "New" thing they introduced was Wii Sports, look how many consoles that shifted. It's a mini game compilation rather than a full blown game, which is why I used Pikmin instead. Steel Diver is also a mini game rather than a full blown title. Hell Tearaway is considered too short to be a full blown game.

But I'd love to see Nintendo go back to their old ways. I'm a full blown old skool Nintendo fanboy. I think they've gone off on a tangent which worked great with the Wii because it drew in a new audience. They went into the Wii U expecting to be able to just replicate that success, that didn't work, so they're now looking back to previous successes trying to replicate them, hence the overload of "New" and "going through the motions" sequels.

I actually think if Nintendo go back to the thinking that led to Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, etc being born, they would find they are able to enjoy a success irrelevant of what Sony and MS are doing.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Very disappointing to see these reviews. I was looking into buying this at launch since I'm a fan, but a lot of the negative points are common across the certain reviews I've looked at which have me thinking to buy later at a sale price.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

Arzest is made up of former Artoon folks, the same people who made Yoshi's Island DS, which last I remember was well regarded. One horrible review does not = "Game sucks, confirmed". On the flip-side, Joystick, IGN and Game Trailers all gave it fairly positive reviews.

You can't judge something purely on pro reviews....after all, it's just somebody getting paid to give their own personal opinion, it's not as if their taste or opinions on gaming is better than anyone else's.

MikeRox said:
RolStoppable said:
MikeRox said:
I did, I even live in the EU so had them earlier :P However, none of those are actual Nintendo (as in in house) games.

Isn't Xenoblade the 3rd game in the Xeno**** set? (Xenogear PS1 and Xenosaga PS2)

I did enjoy Pandora's Tower, great use of the Wii Remote, but again, more 2nd party affair rather than an actual Nintendo game, much like I don't consider Banjo Kazooie/Conker/Jet Force Gemini etc actual Nintendo games.

I know where you live. I also know that you are a bad character, because you didn't buy the Castlevania game on the 3DS.

Anyway, a new IP has to be developed inhouse, so I say "What about Wii Sports?" and you say that's not the type of game that counts. Therefore we can basically skip one back and forth. Since Steel Diver isn't particularly good, it doesn't count either. So what it comes down to is some very specific qualifiers. Okay, that was a good discussion. It led nowhere, but it didn't take long.

HOW DARE YOU! Such slander!!! I even have the posters for it!

Such myths must be busted! :D :P

And it's still there :P

Hey, I got the gold Zelda 3ds too.

Around the Network
Mr Khan said:

Honestly i was never that jazzed by the original Island either. I was very "meh" on it when it came out on GBA, which is odd because i LOVE Yoshi's Story (could be an issue of nostalgia filter, but i feel the game holds up much better. Could be i'm a sucker for branching-patch platformers with an exploration element)

Surely it's a bannable offense even for a mod to say such blasphamy? :P

Yoshi's Story was a travesty in comparison to Yoshi's Island!!! Though those singing Yoshi's were just so adorable that you could forgive them enough to justify the £49.99 price tag :D eeeee eeeeeh ooooooh!

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

RolStoppable said:

I stand corrected. I brought it up, because I recalled you saying something about third party games not selling on the 3DS, because Nintendo fans are closeminded (or something along those lines). There was also something about being a huge Castlevania fan, but you didn't buy the game (at least that's how I remembered it). Well, and that would make you a scumbag. Huge Castlevania fan, not buying the 3DS game, then having the nerve to accuse other 3DS owners of not buying third party games when you yourself can't even be bothered to buy a game of a series that you are a huge fan of.

Although based on the evidence above I have to say two things:

1. Assuming that the UK uses the correct format for dates like the rest of Europe (DD/MM/YY), you ordered Castlevania one month after release, presumably because you waited for a discount. That voids your "huge Castlevania fan" claim.

2. Assuming that the picture shows your complete 3DS collection, Castlevania is the only third party game. That makes your months old statement of blaming other Nintendo fans for not buying third party software just as hypocritical as I thought it is back then. You are still a scumbag, Mike.

Yeah I had a wedding in 2013 (in another country, namely the US, with a further reception in the UK which pretty much made it 2 weddings to pay for) so my funds were massively diverted at that stage meaning I couldn't afford to buy it straight off the bat as my Feb wage paid for the minister to conduct the ceremony, so I bought it soon after my March wage was paid in. However I'd hardly call £26.86 for a £29.99 game a massive discount :p

I've owned about 30 or so 3DS titles and in 2011 I was really digging it. However the Vita is just a much better portable system so most of them got sold to fund superior handheld gaming experiences. 3rd party software on the 3DS is generally a joke. Though I do now have Senran Kagura Burst as well :p

As for my months old statement of blaming other Nintendo fans for not buying 3rd party software being the issue, I stand by it. I'm an old school Nintendo fan. They've massively fallen from grace and there is just no reason to have a Nintendo console as a primary format at the moment. GCN was my last Nintendo produced primary format. I buy multi platform 3rd party releases on my primary format. Simple logic.

*edit... the mightly Rol is quoting and calling me out on things *squeal!* [/starstruck]

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

RolStoppable said:

I don't think I've ever seen something like this before. It's common to see such logic from the same poster in two different threads, but within the same post and barely separated from each other... wow.

To clarify. 3DS 3rd party software I feel personally has been a joke. There's very little that appeals to me personally.

The second quote more applied to Nintendo consoles in general.

In the GCN days, if a game came out on all 3 formats, I'd generally get it on GCN unless it was massively broken. If Wii U was my primary format, I'd be buying Need for Speed Most Wanted on it, I'd be buying Batman Arkaham Origins on it etc.

There are people who complain about the state of 3rd party support on Nintendo consoles and go on about boycotting the developer, yet never buy the software anyway.

I know you'd prefer it to be black and white, but life never is.

3DS is a unique beast, it's such a technically limited system, that multi format 3rd party releases are actually very difficult for it. Add in that the West in general just seems to have no desire to develop handheld software and it becomes quite clear why my 3DS lineup is so 1st party centric.

Can you see the difference? I'm not complaining about Nintendo being screwed over by 3rd party devs, as I have no real desire to get 3rd party titles on Nintendo systems as they're generally the worst version of it so I understand the low sales and I can still play those games on other systems. However many people here complain about the 3rd party treatment of Nintendo consoles, then still don't buy the games anyway because it's come out a few weeks later or because what was meant to be an exclusive game suddenly lost it's exclusivity.

There's just no reason for a multi format gamer to buy a Nintendo version multi platform release anymore. 99% of the time, it's inferior.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Mr Khan said:
archbrix said:
Mr Khan said:

Yeah, the Yoshi games have never been critical darlings. Even "Island" was disliked in its day.

Really?  I remember a magazine back then (Gamefan, I think) giving Yoshi's Island game of the year despite all of the hype around the newly released Playstation and Saturn.

I wasn't gaming then (also i was 5), though my historical recollections told me it was just overshadowed by DKC.

The first DKC was the year before SMW2, but yeah, Yoshi never got the mass accolades it truly deserved between arriving so late in the SNES' life and launching around the same time as DKC2 (which was nowhere near as good as Yoshi, IMO).

Also @bolded, way to make a guy feel old.

Yoshi's Island on the SNES was quite well received by critics back in the day, it was just overshadowed by the huge DKC/DKC2 train.

Oh well. Yoshi's New Island always looked kinda dull/mediocre from the get go, hopefully that will be a wake up call to the Yarn Yoshi team that they have to step their game up.

It's really not a big deal though IMO, there are so many good platformers on Nintendo systems these days. Buy DKC: Tropical Freeze guys, skip Yoshi and wait for Yarn Yoshi.