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Forums - Gaming Discussion - dark souls 2 metascore!(big hit)

kupomogli said:
leyendax69 said:

Way better than I expected. It seems critic likes hard games...

No, because on games that are average difficulty, critics bitch about the games being too hard. 

Like I said in another thread, Dark Souls 2 is g oing to be a good game because of its combat system and design, however critics are going to rate it in the 90s probably because of the high difficulty.  Anything that is a really high difficulty, regardless if it's good or not seems to be hyped up by the press because high difficulty is the in thing now.

Is not basically what I said but with more words?xD

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Good for those who like it. I like to relax and have fun, this game would be the opposite for me.


sundin13 said:
think-man said:
Skeeuk said:
I don't like that dying lowers your health, I will get round to play it but have not got the time. with infamous and ground zeros ordered il have to wait a while

I love it, makes the game harder, plus demon souls used to do the same.

I personally dislike this new mechanic a lot. In Demon Souls you lost half of your lifebar when you were in your soul form (which you could make only 25% by wearing a ring) but that was a one time penalty. Its not like every time you died your lifebar got smaller and smaller.

This new mechanic will make me even more paranoid to do anything in the game. I guess it all depends how rare that replenishing item is because if it is really rare, this could break the game for some players...I guess they made the overall game easier which evens this out a bit but I still don't think this is a good mechanic.

Otherwise, I still need to get around to playing Dark Souls so it may take me quite some time to get to this game...

For me it's the harder the better, it's more rewarding that way when it punishes the player that much. I want it to be brutal!

limited respawns of enemies...eek. goodbye farming

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Lafiel said:
ghettoglamour said:

Yeah, I also don't think that Uncharted is meant to play on crushing. You can if you want to get the trophies, but the games were clearly designed to be played on normal, which is the best experience in every Uncharted imo.

What makes the Souls series (or just Demon Souls, haven't played the others) is that almost nothing is explained to you and it lets you play the game wrong and waste hours of your time.

You can play 3-4 hours, playing it WRONG cause you maybe tried a level that you're too weak for or you don't understand how specific things work, and maybe THEN you figure out what to do right. But you lost 3-4 hours of your gaming time because you didn't accomplish ANYTHING at all. That's what happened to me at some point with DS and I just thought I don't have the time and will for this shit. I have job and a family and when I play video games I just want to have fun and not work for hours to accomplish or understand something.

that's not possible, you can complete any level of Demon's Souls at lvl1 and with start equip, because the game is not character lvl/equip lvl dependend, it's only knowledge dependend (not really "skill", because there are no hard to execute moves/combos, it's just simple knowledge of enemy patterns)

Sure you can, but everyone makes mistakes now and then, and the difference between 1 or 2 hit kills and 15 flawless hits per enemy adds up battle after battle. I got stuck on my first playthrough of Dark souls, 20 hours in, with a crappy spiked club in the darkwood garden with a bunch of useless skills. It didn't help I had missed the unremarkable, looks like any other painted on door, to the depths. Levelling up further to correct my character took way too long, so I started over.

Ofcourse it's not all time wasted, you have still learned the level layouts and enemy patterns, the second time around it only took me 4 hours to get where I was previously. Still if it wasn't for the Dark Souls wiki I would have traded in the game.

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kupomogli said:
leyendax69 said:

Way better than I expected. It seems critic likes hard games...

No, because on games that are average difficulty, critics bitch about the games being too hard. 

Like I said in another thread, Dark Souls 2 is g oing to be a good game because of its combat system and design, however critics are going to rate it in the 90s probably because of the high difficulty.  Anything that is a really high difficulty, regardless if it's good or not seems to be hyped up by the press because high difficulty is the in thing now.

BS name another game this gen hard that got rated high? Ds has amazing world desoign, mechanics, combst innovative MP and a tonne of content, difficulty is overblown in these games anyway. Game gets high scores because it is one of the best RPG's around period.

leyendax69 said:
kupomogli said:
leyendax69 said:

Way better than I expected. It seems critic likes hard games...

No, because on games that are average difficulty, critics bitch about the games being too hard. 

Like I said in another thread, Dark Souls 2 is g oing to be a good game because of its combat system and design, however critics are going to rate it in the 90s probably because of the high difficulty.  Anything that is a really high difficulty, regardless if it's good or not seems to be hyped up by the press because high difficulty is the in thing now.

Is not basically what I said but with more words?xD

And it's still wrong.

I hear they took a lot from Demon's Souls which I'm happy with. A combination of Demon's and Dark should create a perfect game. :p

SvennoJ said:

Looks like another winner, great end to a generation.

lol... no. Not even by a longshot. Persona 5 is still coming next year and Tales of Zestiria will probably hit that window aswell. I'm sure there will be more. This gen is going to extend until next year. But, its looking like its finally starting to die out.

Gracious games, the Souls trilogy. Best thing that happened on gaming to me since PS1's jRPGs. I also hope it sells well, so we can expect another title.

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...