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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global up - Feb 22 - PS4 449,705/Xbox One 56,769

loy310 said:
pezus said:
Patty2720 said:

A look at the numbers from at different angle.

Thanks for that. Over 2m FW launch aligned confirmed! 

So if the PS4 launched WW the 1st 15 weeks sales would be over 6.5 million?

There is no telling really. Personally I believe, if PS4 had launched world wide in November with added stock, than we might have been around 7-7.5 million by now.

1. week - 2.064.952 (with Japan)
2. week - 2.350.894 (without Japan)
3. week - 2.807.834 (without Japan) (possibility of reaching 3 million with Japan)
4. week - 3.242.087 (without Japan) 
5. week - 3.742.099 
(without Japan) (possibility of reaching 4 million with Japan)
6. week - 4.343.959 
(without Japan) 
7. week - 4.677.373 
(without Japan) (possibility of reaching 5 million with Japan)
8. week - 4.889.865 
(without Japan) 

See the picture? :)

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Front page and US+UK software UP!!

After visiting this site for about over five years now, I finally get to see a PS console on top, it is.... beautiful

DerNebel said:

Front page and US+UK software UP!!

After visiting this site for about over five years now, I finally get to see a PS console on top, it is.... beautiful

Yeah, it sure is beautiful :)

DerNebel said:

Front page and US+UK software UP!!

After visiting this site for about over five years now, I finally get to see a PS console on top, it is.... beautiful

Sure it will be like that for at least 5 more years

The PS4 has outsold the Xb1 by a bigger margin (both unit-wise and market share-wise) than the 3DS has outsold the Vita this year. That's quite telling, MS need to act if they want to stay in the race.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Around the Network
Troll_Whisperer said:
The PS4 has outsold the Xb1 by a bigger margin (both unit-wise and market share-wise) than the 3DS has outsold the Vita this year. That's quite telling, MS need to act if they want to stay in the race.

The numbers doesn't quite add up... On the front page it clearly says that PS4 has sold 1.4 in 2014, but I count 1.7 .. :s

Patty2720 said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
The PS4 has outsold the Xb1 by a bigger margin (both unit-wise and market share-wise) than the 3DS has outsold the Vita this year. That's quite telling, MS need to act if they want to stay in the race.

The numbers doesn't quite add up... On the front page it clearly says that PS4 has sold 1.4 in 2014, but I count 1.7 .. :s

Wait, how do you count 1.7?

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Seeing the XBone doing only around 10k more than WiiU constantly week after week while the XBone is only a few months old, I seriously think ppl need to cut the WiiU some slack. (I'm looking at you gaming media)


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


For gamer’s worldwide, the PS4 is the choice. It has currently a first party team that is unmatched in quality by its direct competitor with Infamous Second Son IMO. Many who haven’t been able to find this console on shelves can hardly wait to enter full HD gaming at this price point. Being able to play Killzone SF, Resogun and the superior versions of multiplat games are just bonuses. With the Order 1886, Deep Down, Drive Club and Uncharted 4 around the corner too! Congrats to Sony and PS4 on their record pace to top market share in just over 3 months. As it stands now, gamers around the world have chosen the PS4 as the ONE definitive next gen console! :)

Troll_Whisperer said:
Patty2720 said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
The PS4 has outsold the Xb1 by a bigger margin (both unit-wise and market share-wise) than the 3DS has outsold the Vita this year. That's quite telling, MS need to act if they want to stay in the race.

The numbers doesn't quite add up... On the front page it clearly says that PS4 has sold 1.4 in 2014, but I count 1.7 .. :s

Wait, how do you count 1.7?

Nov - 16 = 1.051.921
Nov - 23 = 99.756
Nov - 30 = 949.437
Dec - 07 = 343.093
Dec - 14 = 479.679
Dec - 21 = 751.351
Dec - 28 = 471.720
Jan - 04 = 266.153
Jan - 11 = 191.575
Jan - 18 = 165.556
Jan - 25 = 159.568
Feb - 01 = 179.806
Feb - 08 = 158.035
Feb - 15 = 129.839
Feb - 22 = 449.705

= 1.700.237