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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 destroys 360 in others.

Even at this rate though the PS3 may not outsell the 360's WW sales by the end of this generation.

The PS3 would not only need a substantial increase in sales but the 360 a substantial drop. Also as Blu-Ray players get cheaper the PS3 becomes less and less appealing an option to consumers and even then PS3's sold as Blu-Ray players don't garantee people are buying them to play games. But before saying all that let's not forget Blu-Ray is still struggling to make its stake in the market even after HD-DVD's fall.

Even the PSP is selling very good now, but there's no arguing its not selling games and is virtually dead as a third party gaming console beyond that of Konami and Square-Enix whom both have substantial stock owned by Sony.

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It destoryed it every week this year

Please GGE you talk like any of the "AAA" exclusives would be launched,when some of this games(like FFXIII,MGS4,GT5,...) get released many PS3 systems will get buy.
You're trying to be seen like a smart girl,but your fanboy treatment make you fail miserably.

I say instead of taking GGE seriously we all do what we do to redundant posts all the time. AKA the pizza and italian food thing. Just say random stuff to her.

I'll start.

Hey GGE, let's go to the Olive Garden sometime. I hear they have great fried raviolis. If you aren't into that kind of stuff we can always go to the California Pizza Kitchen and get one of those great chicken pizzas i so often hear about. After that we can go to the bar and buy some Jager bombs. What do you say?

ps3 has just outsold 360 in the US i hope that keeps up

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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And when games like GT5, FFXIII and MGS4 have come and gone, what will be your excuse then? I present very real threats to the PS3's momentum and future success yet you seem like you'd rather practice cheerleading rather than discuss such matters with any seriousness.

Isnt this the first time that the PS3 outsells the 360 in the states? I know its a tiny win but still

As has been proven a good number of times, psp software is undertracked.

"market even after HD-DVD's fall."

Even though the writing was on the wall, HDDVD only died yesterday and will continue to be sold till the end of march. August will be the soonest we'll see any impact of that result.

You are jumping on figures too soon to spot a trend, your argument as always is flawed.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
Even at this rate though the PS3 may not outsell the 360's WW sales by the end of this generation.

The PS3 would not only need a substantial increase in sales but the 360 a substantial drop. Also as Blu-Ray players get cheaper the PS3 becomes less and less appealing an option to consumers and even then PS3's sold as Blu-Ray players don't garantee people are buying them to play games. But before saying all that let's not forget Blu-Ray is still struggling to make its stake in the market even after HD-DVD's fall.

Even the PSP is selling very good now, but there's no arguing its not selling games and is virtually dead as a third party gaming console beyond that of Konami and Square-Enix whom both have substantial stock owned by Sony.

 1 : so the PS3 will probably never see a pricecut in its life ... lol.


2 : so thats why EA , Capcom , Konami , Square , Namco-Bandai , Activision , THQ and many others are still bringing games to it ... oh , and then comes all the great 1st party . Your dead 3rd party support argument is stupid at its best , and while the PSP still manages to sell over 500k software ( In Jan. at least , when sales are ususally pretty low ) / week worldwide , I dont see hime dead anytime soon . ( please dont give me that Others 20k sales bull**it , because even ioi pointed out that software sales in others are as good or better than in the US ) . 

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I hate to break it to you but what little third party developers gives to the PSP are just the scraps or just enough to humor the fact they support all consoles on the market. Most aren't giving it a fraction of the support it once saw during launch.

I'll admit I may be overly skeptical, but the sheer ridiculousness of assuming PSP software is undertracked to such a degree that its software sales wouldn't still be depressing if properly tracked is just offensive.

Let's be realistic, there is plenty of room for optimism and doubt, its simply a matter of which you prefer to take to heart. But just blindly attacking anyone who voices the smallest concern in contrast to the festival of "Sony Domination has begun" is just childish. Clearly I'm a Nintendo supporter and have voiced my dislike of Sony in the past but that does not make my points any less valid or out of place in this thread.