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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Even at this rate though the PS3 may not outsell the 360's WW sales by the end of this generation.

The PS3 would not only need a substantial increase in sales but the 360 a substantial drop. Also as Blu-Ray players get cheaper the PS3 becomes less and less appealing an option to consumers and even then PS3's sold as Blu-Ray players don't garantee people are buying them to play games. But before saying all that let's not forget Blu-Ray is still struggling to make its stake in the market even after HD-DVD's fall.

Even the PSP is selling very good now, but there's no arguing its not selling games and is virtually dead as a third party gaming console beyond that of Konami and Square-Enix whom both have substantial stock owned by Sony.

 1 : so the PS3 will probably never see a pricecut in its life ... lol.


2 : so thats why EA , Capcom , Konami , Square , Namco-Bandai , Activision , THQ and many others are still bringing games to it ... oh , and then comes all the great 1st party . Your dead 3rd party support argument is stupid at its best , and while the PSP still manages to sell over 500k software ( In Jan. at least , when sales are ususally pretty low ) / week worldwide , I dont see hime dead anytime soon . ( please dont give me that Others 20k sales bull**it , because even ioi pointed out that software sales in others are as good or better than in the US ) . 

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