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what is dis?

the best thing to have ev... 110 54.73%
up down left right start a b 37 18.41%
this is interesting....... 18 8.96%
ITS DA END OF THE WORLD!!!! 19 9.45%
ktay95 said:
_crazy_man_ said:
ktay95 said:
As crazy as this sounds Im going to stop watching until democracy, its getting boring and my PS4 has a sleeping Japanese girl

PS4 winning Japan confirmed.

Actually everyone in the comments is a westerner =P Also its currently the most viewed livestream on PS4 right now

edit: oh, and Im still watching her =(

What kind of livestream is that? :D

Still there......... I think this will drive me crazy soon if I keep watching.

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ktay95 said:
As crazy as this sounds Im going to stop watching until democracy, its getting boring and my PS4 has a sleeping Japanese girl


Nintendo and PC gamer

osed125 said:
ktay95 said:
As crazy as this sounds Im going to stop watching until democracy, its getting boring and my PS4 has a sleeping Japanese girl


I couldnt be fucked actually screen capping myself so I stole this one posted in the PSNation thread 3 hours ago... she is lierally just sleeping on the floor in front of the camera.

edit: I wonder how long she will keep up this 24 hour cam?? Oh also she is kinda popular  14.2K followers aint bad

Oh and she beat Mario 1 without looking at the screen O_O

*Gets to Morty using Democracy*

*Switches to Anarchy*

*Gets destroyed by Morty*

*Another hour of failing before Democracy comes back*

*Huge following to go to PC*



NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

_crazy_man_ said:

*Gets to Morty using Democracy*

*Switches to Anarchy*

*Gets destroyed by Morty*

*Another hour of failing before Democracy comes back*

*Huge following to go to PC*



Nothing happened... every pokemon in the team except Eevee and Feraligator (and maybe Weezing, but it needs TMs to be decent and I don't see that happening) sucks, to be honest. The irony is that they left two normal/flyers in the daycare that could help a lot in Morty's gym.

Around the Network

Really? Have they still not done that darn gym?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Feraligator really is soloing everything...

Getting a tad boring.

I don't think we need to release him, just put em at the back of the team.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Feraligator is in the PC and Drowzee dodged a bullet. It will take forever to progress now.

Well Lazor gator is in the PC

Doesn't seem enough for a lot of people, I hope he makes it.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

_crazy_man_ said:

Well Lazor gator is in the PC

Doesn't seem enough for a lot of people, I hope he makes it.

If he doesn't they could get stuck easily. They need a surfer to reach Cianwood and don't have any fishing rods to capture water pokemon easily. There's a Wooper in the PC, but... yeah.

EDIT - Got Wooper, but Drowzee couldn't survive this time.