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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official - Nintendo Direct February 13 - Focusing on WiiU and 3DS games in Spring

6 and a half hours guys...

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TheLastStarFighter said:
tbone51 said:
is this the longest direct ever? (if it is 41mins)

⇒⇒⇒list in order of length

1. FEBRUARY 13TH, 2014'S NINTENDO DIRECT - 41 minutes, ?? seconds
2. Nintendo Direct 6.11.13 - @E3 2013 - 41 minutes, 18 seconds
3. Nintendo Direct 2.14.2013 - 37 minutes, 30 seconds
4. Nintendo Direct 4.17.2013 - 36 minutes, 59 seconds
5. Wii U Direct - Nintendo Games 1.23.2013 - 36 minutes, 7 seconds
6. Nintendo Direct 12.18.13 - 33 minutes, 25 seconds
7. Nintendo Direct 11.13.13 - 32 minutes, 56 seconds
8. Nintendo Direct 6.3.12 - Pre E3 2012 - 30 minutes, 31 seconds
9. Nintendo Direct 10.25.12 - 30 minutes, 28 seconds
10. Nintendo Direct - December 5, 2012 - 30 minutes, 3 seconds
11. Nintendo Direct 10.1.2013 - 29 minutes, 32 seconds
12. Nintendo Direct 5.17.2013 - 28 minutes, 48 seconds
13. Nintendo Direct 8.7.13 - 27 minutes, 35 seconds
14. Nintendo Direct Mini 7.18.13 - 22 minutes, 21 seconds
15. Nintendo Direct 6.21.2012 - 21 minutes, 12 seconds
16. The Wonderful 101 Direct 8.9.2013 - 20 minutes, 38 seconds
17. Wii Fit U Direct 9.18.2013 - 20 minutes, 30 seconds
18. Pokémon Direct 9.4.2013 - 19 minutes, 25 seconds
19. Nintendo Direct 11.27.13 - Nintendo 3DS Guide: Louvre - 12 minutes, 23 seconds
20. Nintendo Direct 2.22.2012 - Reggie Fils-Aime Presents Nintendo Updates - 11 minutes, 57 seconds
21. Nintendo - Pokémon Direct 1.8.2013 - 11 minutes, 12 seconds
22. Wii U Developer Direct 6.11.13 - Wii U Developer Direct - Pikmin 3 @E3 2013 - 8 minutes, 14 seconds
23. Wii U & Nintendo 3DS Developer Direct 6.11.13 - Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U @E3 2013 - 8 minutes, 13 seconds
24. Nintendo Direct 10.21.2011 - Reggie Fils-Aime Presents Nintendo Updates - 7 minutes, 29 seconds
25. Nintendo Direct Mini -- 3.13.2013 - 6 minutes, 41 seconds
26. Wii U Developer Direct - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD @E3 2013 - 6 minutes, 3 seconds
27. Nintendo Direct Mini -- November 27, 2012 - 6 minutes, 27 seconds
28. Wii U Developer Direct 6.11.13 - Super Mario 3D World @E3 2013 - 5 minutes, 45 seconds
29. Nintendo Direct Mini 10.2.12 - 5 minutes, 42 seconds
30. Wii U Developer Direct 6.11.13 - Mario Kart 8 @E3 2013 - 5 minutes, 21 seconds
31. Wii U Developer Direct 6.11.13 - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze @E3 2013 - 4 minutes, 57 seconds
32. Wii U Developer Direct - Bayonetta 2 @E3 2013 - 4 minutes, 38 seconds

It's E3-sized.  Should be good!

Well dont forget that e3 was pretty "direct" with little talking compared to the others, hopefully we see about 3 quarters of content of that of E3 direct!

Anyway ....


tbone51 said:
trestres said:
Nintendo promised a steady flow of games as opposed to last year situation, however with a 3 month gap between DKCR:TF and MK8, the situation is even worse and completely discredits Nintendo as a serious company. Thats why they have to have something OBLIGATORILY.

No more excuses. No more lies. This might be their last chance to reivindicate at least with their fans

omg, we get it! Can you be just a little excited? No need to bring up all this man.... C'mon bro :x

Just ignore him. He has been attacking Nintendo and everything they do for the last 6 years, how he has avoided a perma ban is beyond me.

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

So, assuming we get a megaton (which we won't), what big game would you want more than any other?

I have to say Zelda U, announced for this year. I think it's 50/50 whether or not we'll get it this year or next and if it's this year, 50/50 if it would be announced here rather than E3. Meaning I'm giving it a 1 in 4 chance at being shown off tonight.

(Aonuma has confirmed it will be at E3, but not that E3 will be it's first appearance, and my hope is that they showed off a very early Hyrule Warriors to avoid oversaturating the Zelda news.)

carlos710 said:
tbone51 said:
trestres said:
Nintendo promised a steady flow of games as opposed to last year situation, however with a 3 month gap between DKCR:TF and MK8, the situation is even worse and completely discredits Nintendo as a serious company. Thats why they have to have something OBLIGATORILY.

No more excuses. No more lies. This might be their last chance to reivindicate at least with their fans

omg, we get it! Can you be just a little excited? No need to bring up all this man.... C'mon bro :x

Just ignore him. He has been attacking Nintendo and everything they do for the last 6 years, how he has avoided a perma ban is beyond me.

I kno lol, i dont want to risk myself getting banned! Not today O.o  

Its just funny to see this thread hyping or people trying to contain hype/etc here and he stroll's along with the same exact statement he post lol! I mean in the COMGhe sid the exact same thing as he said here but just different wording :p


OT: F***ing going to laugh if im right with SSB, Valentines day= Diddy+Dixie Reveal (as a tag team)

Around the Network

Why so many ppl are hoping for Dixie in Smash? Isn't one annoying chimp enough?!

My predictions/hope...
Bayonetta release date between MK8 and DK
MK8 launch date
Kirby's launch date
Some gamplay footage of X with a official name.
Some gameplay footage of Hyrule warriors
A new 3DS game we never heard of.
Tons on eshop games I don't give a f about launching almost immediatly.
Something pokémon related, hopefully a distribution event.
A smash announcement, Diddy being back is my prediction, but I hope for K.Rool.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)



tbone51 said:

OT: F***ing going to laugh if im right with SSB, Valentines day= Diddy+Dixie Reveal (as a tag team)

Y'know, I think you may be onto something here. Of all the crazy predictions, I think this one may be the most likely. Diddy was rubbish in Brawl, but is kind of needed for DK representation, so adding Dixie as a tag partner makes a lot of sense to me.

tbone51 said:
is this the longest direct ever? (if it is 41mins)

 Oh dang that's good news. I'm getting a little too hyped up now... Must maintain realistic expectations...

ToxicJosh said:
tbone51 said:

OT: F***ing going to laugh if im right with SSB, Valentines day= Diddy+Dixie Reveal (as a tag team)

Y'know, I think you may be onto something here. Of all the crazy predictions, I think this one may be the most likely. Diddy was rubbish in Brawl, but is kind of needed for DK representation, so adding Dixie as a tag partner makes a lot of sense to me.

diddy kong is a beast, in the right hands, he is a threat o.o