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Forums - Sales Discussion - What is Market Domination?

No the SNES is possibly the least dominating console so far (I know little of the 1st and 2nd gen though)

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i don't think Wii is gonna achieve market domination the same way PS2 did. PS2 got every game every developer made. the Wii, that's not gonna happen.

even if the Wii sells 240 million and the PS3 and 360 sells 100 million combined, it's not domination. the Wii is sufficiently different from the other 2 consoles.

Wii2, however, might be different. the PS family had to wait until PS2 to fully dominate its market, and Wii2 could very well be the same. upgraded graphics, more immersive user interface, huge buzz and immediate 3rd party support, it could come out of the gate with a bang and eventually dominate the same way the PS2 did.

the current Wii--it's Nintendo's strategy to not to compete with ps3 and 360. if domination has to imply a substitution of console without loss of gaming experience, which is what the ps2 more or less did, then Wii certainly does NOT qualify for domination.

the Wii is an epidemic.

kingofwale said:
Market domination, it must be enough to absolutely crush anything else. Owning around 70%-80% of the sales.

some examples.

*ITune vs Emusic (never heard of Emusic? Yeah, that's why)

*PS2 vs xbox/GC: 120 mil vs 20 million vs 20 million

Walmart vs Target (DVD sales only): Walmart sells over 70% of all DVDs in US

First of all the PS2 was in a generation against the Xbox and GC...not Xbox and N64.


Second off the #s would be 116.2m against 24.2m and 21.5m. Thus it would be 116.2m VS 45.7m with a total market of 161.9m. Which would mean the PS2 was only 71.77% of the market and by your definition the PS2 didn't dominate its generation barely dominated its generation.

So you don't think the PS2 dominated?

So you think the PS2 only just qualifies?


Also, you don't think the DS is dominating its market?


To Each Man, Responsibility

Having over 50% of the market in a race with three consoles.

Sqrl said:
kingofwale said:
Market domination, it must be enough to absolutely crush anything else. Owning around 70%-80% of the sales.

some examples.

*ITune vs Emusic (never heard of Emusic? Yeah, that's why)

*PS2 vs xbox/GC: 120 mil vs 20 million vs 20 million

Walmart vs Target (DVD sales only): Walmart sells over 70% of all DVDs in US

First of all the PS2 was in a generation against the Xbox and GC...not Xbox and N64.


Second off the #s would be 116.2m against 24.2m and 21.5m. Thus it would be 116.2m VS 45.7m with a total market of 161.9m. Which would mean the PS2 was only 71.77% of the market and by your definition the PS2 didn't dominate its generation barely dominated its generation.

So you don't think the PS2 dominated?

So you think the PS2 only just qualifies?


Also, you don't think the DS is dominating its market?


The PS2 actually only had a 58% marketshare in NA, but it had 76% of the market in Japan and Others, bring the total marketshare up to nearly 68% according to my calculations (which are a few weeks old, and man, that PS2 won't stop selling, so it might be off by a bit). So actually the PS2 didn't dominate at all (in NA at least).

I think 50% of the market is dominating. You can't have the combined sales of the other guys, and not be dominating.

Edit: The reason my percentages are lower is because I included the Dreamcast in the numbers, which was only like 5% of the market. 

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Sqrl said:
kingofwale said:
Market domination, it must be enough to absolutely crush anything else. Owning around 70%-80% of the sales.

some examples.

*ITune vs Emusic (never heard of Emusic? Yeah, that's why)

*PS2 vs xbox/GC: 120 mil vs 20 million vs 20 million

Walmart vs Target (DVD sales only): Walmart sells over 70% of all DVDs in US

First of all the PS2 was in a generation against the Xbox and GC...not Xbox and N64.


Second off the #s would be 116.2m against 24.2m and 21.5m. Thus it would be 116.2m VS 45.7m with a total market of 161.9m. Which would mean the PS2 was only 71.77% of the market and by your definition the PS2 didn't dominate its generation barely dominated its generation.

So you don't think the PS2 dominated?

So you think the PS2 only just qualifies?


Also, you don't think the DS is dominating its market?



Read what you quoted, I CLEARLY stated it was GC, not N64. :P

 second of all, 71.77% lies within my "70-80%" of market penatration. especially when PS2 is STILL selling well while GC and xbox are long dead.

 As for DS, it's still too early to call, with PSP fighting back in areas such as Japan while DS's sales is slowing down considerably, I don't think it can make it to 70% to be classify as "domination"

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)

i think to dominate sales is to sell more then your competition combined in which wii has been doing lately and thats why its dominating

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

kingofwale said:
Sqrl said:
kingofwale said:
Market domination, it must be enough to absolutely crush anything else. Owning around 70%-80% of the sales.

some examples.

*ITune vs Emusic (never heard of Emusic? Yeah, that's why)

*PS2 vs xbox/GC: 120 mil vs 20 million vs 20 million

Walmart vs Target (DVD sales only): Walmart sells over 70% of all DVDs in US

First of all the PS2 was in a generation against the Xbox and GC...not Xbox and N64.


Second off the #s would be 116.2m against 24.2m and 21.5m. Thus it would be 116.2m VS 45.7m with a total market of 161.9m. Which would mean the PS2 was only 71.77% of the market and by your definition the PS2 didn't dominate its generation barely dominated its generation.

So you don't think the PS2 dominated?

So you think the PS2 only just qualifies?


Also, you don't think the DS is dominating its market?



Read what you quoted, I CLEARLY stated it was GC, not N64. :P

second of all, 71.77% lies within my "70-80%" of market penatration. especially when PS2 is STILL selling well while GC and xbox are long dead.

As for DS, it's still too early to call, with PSP fighting back in areas such as Japan while DS's sales is slowing down considerably, I don't think it can make it to 70% to be classify as "domination"


Well I'm glad the N64 part was corrected at least. But I will say I too could have easily edited out the part I crossed out but instead owned up to it by leaving it in there. Its pretty low-class of you to slam on me for my edit and not even own up to you're own, but I'm sure you'll deny to save face. Thats all I'll say on the subject since really its a minor bother that really doesn't get to the heart of the issue at all.

So then lets get to the heart of the issue then shall we? Luckily the opportunity to show how ludicrous your criteria truly is has been provided by Stever89 pointing out what we both missed. Which is of course the Dreamcast. Once the Dreamcast numbers are included it apparently lowers the PS2 to around 68% which by your definition is not domination.

So again I will now ask the question that I crossed out above...but alllow me to reword it a bit:

How the hell can you define the PS2 as not having dominated its generation? If anything the PS2 is textbook domination. Perhaps you're forgetting to keep in mind that each 1% increase is a bit harder than the last?

@your first post,

It occured to me also that your bringing up the Online Music Distribution and Retail markets is another fine indicator of how off-base your assessment is. The console market is not the same kind of market as iTunes and eMusic, its not a retail market like Walmart & Target. There are fundamental differences in these markets and direct market share comparisons are fundamentally flawed, especially when you consider that the retail market has a lot more than Walmart and Target and you've basically chosen these two chains as a set of cherry picked data to use as an example and have happily ignored the rest of the market. Simply saying x% is domination in all sales markets of any kind would be the equivalent of saying that winning by x points in any sport is domination...which of course simply doesn't work since different sports score differently...the same is true here, even if not in the same fashion.

NOTE:There are very likely similar issues with your other example but I know very little about that market so I won't speak to it.

There are some serious issues with your position but luckily this is an opinion based question so there really aren't any right or wrong answers.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Just look at Nintendo's numbers compared to the rest.

this is called domination at its finest.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



One way to define domination is the effect it has on the competitors. In this case it would be the space in between the notes and the scrabbling of scribbling that attempts to explain why second place doesn't mean losing.