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Sqrl said:
kingofwale said:
Market domination, it must be enough to absolutely crush anything else. Owning around 70%-80% of the sales.

some examples.

*ITune vs Emusic (never heard of Emusic? Yeah, that's why)

*PS2 vs xbox/GC: 120 mil vs 20 million vs 20 million

Walmart vs Target (DVD sales only): Walmart sells over 70% of all DVDs in US

First of all the PS2 was in a generation against the Xbox and GC...not Xbox and N64.


Second off the #s would be 116.2m against 24.2m and 21.5m. Thus it would be 116.2m VS 45.7m with a total market of 161.9m. Which would mean the PS2 was only 71.77% of the market and by your definition the PS2 didn't dominate its generation barely dominated its generation.

So you don't think the PS2 dominated?

So you think the PS2 only just qualifies?


Also, you don't think the DS is dominating its market?


The PS2 actually only had a 58% marketshare in NA, but it had 76% of the market in Japan and Others, bring the total marketshare up to nearly 68% according to my calculations (which are a few weeks old, and man, that PS2 won't stop selling, so it might be off by a bit). So actually the PS2 didn't dominate at all (in NA at least).

I think 50% of the market is dominating. You can't have the combined sales of the other guys, and not be dominating.

Edit: The reason my percentages are lower is because I included the Dreamcast in the numbers, which was only like 5% of the market.