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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Killzone 2 destined for failure :-(

Wow Kwaad : long time no see :) Unfortunatly its true , reviewers are getting payed for higher scores :( ( hey , who remembers the little Gerstmann incident ? :P ) .

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About running games in the dark..... don't you think Sony learned ANYTHING after the disastrous PS3 launch?
step #1 to a successful marketing campaign: don't reveal almost anything until just before launch. (unless the game is like Halo or something...even then, don't reveal too much)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

"Is killzone 2 destined for failure?"

I dont think so, especially if the latest batch of rumors is truw its turning out to be pretty sweet.

Sales figures-wise?

Probably destined to fail in America considering their anti-Sony march for a better tomorrow movement.

Dunno about Europe though.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

Killzone E3 history:
2005 non hands on tech demo
2006 missed
2007 non hands on video
2008 possible hands on?

I want killzone to set E3 records.... More delays may be needed :)

I think that Killzone 2 will never deliver on the hype it has recieved, and it's Sony's fault. They should have never stuck that tech demo in E3 2005 and claimed it to be real. It gave people too many years to debate on the greatness of this game. By the time it actually hits retail, it will have been 3 1/2 years since that E3. Very bad move on their part.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Is it destined for failure:
on this sites scores: yes
on the comments by this site: yes
public opinion (on this site): yes
in reviewers eyes: no
in the general PS3 owning public: no

I dont see why K2 is destined for failure, sure the first one wasn't that great but the PSP version was good and from what i have seen of the game the graphics look amazing, seems action packed enoughed, maps seem large and detailed, guns look fun to play with and if we get a demo or beta soon i am fairly sure the gameplay mechanincs will be good to, if not there is always R2 which we can trust after R1

I don't think it is, really. It looks and sounds like Guerilla has really worked hard on this, and Sony have helped them a lot with dev kits and general programmer support. It could be very, very good if spiced with the right things and taken all the way.
Only time will tell, however, and there's bound to be a demo or playable beta coming soon.

Munkeh111 said:
kitler53 said:
oh, is it that time of the month again. yeah, haze it going to suck and stuff. yeah. what?!? killzone, yeah, that one too.

 Well, Haze is coming to the PS3, and it is an unproven dev (apart from the insane Timesplitters games, and second life was quite good)

No they are proven. One of the best FPS makers out there. They made:

 007 Goldeneye- One of the best games of all time.

 Timesplitters- One of the best FPS games of all time.



i think its gonna be great.

it has a huge budget, great graphics, and is gonna be much more hectic than the first killzone, like cod 4. first person cover system looks fun.

so do the bosses.