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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Killzone 2 destined for failure :-(

Bealive me , afthe rthe ammount of money theyve put in it , worst case you will have an 8.2-8.5 game ...

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Aj_habfan said:

I wrote a message but accidently erased it.

Anyway, how would rushing this game out help it? Bad framerate? Says who?

I agree. I'd rather see it out in 2009 and frickin awesome, than next month and crap.

I think it will be great. The graphics should be great, they will be sure to make the framerate good since they learned from their mistakes on killzone 1.

 I agree with Christopher. If it has low expectations, then everyone will be amazed by it when its good. Right now it has such high expectations that unless it gets a score of 90% or more  it will probably be considered a failure.

If you are going to spend the amount of money that Sony has spent on Killzone 2 you're going to (probably) spend a nearly unprecidented amount of money on Marketing and "Bribes" in order to ensure that the game gets decent reviews and sales.

We don't know enough about it to make any sort of assessment of the quality. Lets wait until the info comes in, people experience the beta, and we actually get some hands on info rather than listening to pointless whispers and rumors.

It's very probable we know something more about it in GDC.I still believe K2 going to be awesome

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Wait until people have actually played the game before judging

oh, is it that time of the month again. yeah, haze it going to suck and stuff. yeah. what?!? killzone, yeah, that one too.

Why are you guessing on stuff? Bad framerate? Any game can have bad framerate you dont know that.


HappySqurriel said:

If you are going to spend the amount of money that Sony has spent on Killzone 2 you're going to (probably) spend a nearly unprecidented amount of money on Marketing and "Bribes" in order to ensure that the game gets decent reviews and sales.

 I actually agree with you for once.

I think the game will rock. But I agree on your... marketing/bribes. Everyone does it tho, not just sony. (you never say only sony does it tho, so I'm not saying you did)

I thought I read about everyone who saw it being amazed. (at the E3 media showing) that it actually had good frame-rate, and looked as good as it did. There were no videos made of that as far as I'm aware, but the media, ate it up. I dont know why Killzone2 is running in the dark, normally it's not a great thing. But it dosent always mean a bad thing either tho. You wanna talk about running in the dark. Home, and LBP are also in the dark. Sony is NOT letting their software... features... known, untill their done... Or something. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

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kitler53 said:
oh, is it that time of the month again. yeah, haze it going to suck and stuff. yeah. what?!? killzone, yeah, that one too.

 Well, Haze is coming to the PS3, and it is an unproven dev (apart from the insane Timesplitters games, and second life was quite good)