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Forums - Sony Discussion - 2.3GB Update for AC4 (PS4)

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dane007 said:
@ETHOMAZ-- is this only for ps4 or will xbox one version will be getting the same patch for AC4?

I just downloaded a 1.3gb patch for mine, could be some similar updates and bug fixes. It was finishing just as I was about to play earlier today.

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I guess i'm going to have to buy a 2tb.


That seems tiny compared to the patches I've seen on X1.

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Hoe do you update the game manually?


The PS5 Exists. 

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Mr Puggsly said:

That seems tiny compared to the patches I've seen on X1.

youmust be referring to the 13gb for d3 right?

dane007 said:
Mr Puggsly said:

That seems tiny compared to the patches I've seen on X1.

youmust be referring to the 13gb for d3 right?

That was a recent one.

I think Forza 5 had one around 4GB. KI had patches bigger than 2GB. Etc...

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Fusioncode said:
At this rate my 500GB HDD isn't going to last long. With each game filling up around 50GB on their own and patches being so large as well. First world problems I guess.

Uninstalling games  you don't play anymore seems to be the only way around this. A shame because I was looking forward to having a whopping 500 GB in my console compared to the 80 gb PS3 that I have, which still has some remaining space. xD

Steam users should be no stranger to this.

Hell; Windows users should be no stranger to this.

Every time I turn on my Windows box, there is a queue of updates to download and install since it's not my daily use PC. Every time I launch Steam, there are several games that have to update and install patches. The worst part is that the user is locked out of launching said games until the patches are done installing.

This is just the reality of online based game platforms. Nothing new here folks.

Dont the old patches get overwritten automatically? Otherwise its an even bigger mess than it already is.
