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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo 64 was the best Nintendo console ever

Huh? The physical console itself is crap now! Some of it's games gameplay wise have held up pretty well over the years though, but others like Mario Kart and Goldeneye I can't even play anymore! The awful controller design doesn't help it's case either, especially with big handed people like me! :L

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I would disagree. I say the Gamecube is the best.

And if you don't know why, you didn't have a Gamecube. The games were, and still are, amazing, it got the best of most 3rd party cross-platform releases, and the controller can't be beat. (though the DualShock 2+ is just as good)

Of course!!

Fayceless said:
I would disagree. I say the Gamecube is the best.

And if you don't know why, you didn't have a Gamecube. The games were, and still are, amazing, it got the best of most 3rd party cross-platform releases, and the controller can't be beat. (though the DualShock 2+ is just as good)

I cant really say you are wrong.

GC controller is the best controller ever IMHO

Super Nintendo was the best Nintendo console

Super Mario World
Yoshi Island
Super Metroid
Donkey Kong Country I II III
Super Castlevania
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI
Super Mario RPG
Mega Man X
A link to the Past

No other console can compete with that

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NES is the best 2D console and N64 is the best 3D console. Both were home to revolutionary games and software that changed the entire notion of what video games were. The other systems, while great, were just living in their wake.

The Nintendo 64 got many great games but the Super NES had games of 3rd party franchises that the Nintendo 64 couldn't get for example Final Fantasy and Chrono, overall the Super NES had much more third party games than the N64 and that gives it some advantage. Having said that, I prefer the N64 because from the SNES I only like the RPG's.

Had no interest in it because no 2D Mario.


Quite possibly the worst console I own. Super serious.