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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New SKU's inbound? Or the death of the Xbox 360?

Don;t forget the 360 also has movie/tv shows downloads which has been succesful according to them. They keep on adding more and more content. Doubt they would jsut leave that money on the table. It just seems dumb to think they would pull out when they are making a profits.

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They are changes on the website :

They have removed: discontinued by manufacturer: yes

That amazon is runned by PS3 fanboys I tell you!!

PS3 Fanboys!!!! MUAhahhah

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


i think it might be new SKU's i doubt microsoft will cut support for its console early again and lose its fans

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

lombard2578 said:
They are changes on the website :

They have removed: discontinued by manufacturer: yes

No reactions about that?

For the normal 360 elite, it seems to be the same thing:

They have removed:  discontinued by manufacturer: yes


So finally, it's only the bundles for christmas which may be discontinued, and not the normal sku. 



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hum... I don't know.... but the GDC is not really design to make such announcement.... it's more a professional expo.... where the dev can see how the market is going what is new on the software side and dev kits.. and see a couple demos of those soft applied to games in DEV....

but who knows... MS might do some announcement anyway.... but I doubt anything big... it's pretty much the off season for video game anyway....

for MS dropping support, I think it's the stupidest idea I have ever heard.... come on people are you serious they didn't even talked about a new gen this time.... it's not like XB.... and if a company in the VG industry is there for the very long run... trust me it's MS.... you'll see Sony and Nintendo drop the ball before they even think of it....
the objective of MS on the long run is not to be number one in the VG industry... but basically on any electronic device you'll use in and out of your house using an OS.... they almost did on PC, they are quite good on PDA and cell phones... they are starting with your living room right now... you can find them in your car... and soon you'll find them in your kitchen your room etc...
so XB 360 is just a doorway basically....

Microsoft annouces new Xbox 360 skus at their press conference.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer

Talking to the e-section manager at Wal-Mart, I asked her when the last shipment for 360s were ... she said weeks. I am telling you - the new 360s are-a-comin ...

AMEN SKILLZZZZ. New SKU's inbound.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

360 is dead......sorry I had to do it, lol!

But seriously, the price cut will tell all. If it helps, okay. If it doesn't, MS got problems......