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Forums - General Discussion - Gamer getting in shape.

Since getting married, and being fed by a great cook, I've ballooned up a lot. When I first met the wife I was a healthy 215-220lbs or so. Fast forward a few years later and I got all the way up to 285lbs. I'm 6'3, so I didn't look obese, but on paper, I was. :(

I'm on a new diet, called the I'm too poor to buy food right now, so I eat once a day. I've gone from 265 to 255 in the last 10-14 days. Decided to start working out a bit as well, couple dozen crunches a day, strength training on the home gym. Sorta watching my calorie intake as well and trying to do a lot more physical activities to try and burn the excess.

I feel a lot healthier than I did say a month or two ago. I've got more energy and I can actually sustain a decent amount of time working out, where as before it was a pure struggle. Since I want to get into policing I figured since I was already losing some weight, I might as well get some strength training in since I'll need it.

That's my story. :P I ate cupcakes yesterday though, totally went to my ass :P

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ArtofAngels said:

All I ever eat is junk, 24/7, it's either Pizza, Macca's or something frozen for Dinner, I weigh though 72Kg's, what's that 150lb? Anyone know?

I've only gone into this habbit the last 2 or so months though, I can't gain weight if I tried.

The only exercise I do, is I make sure I do 50 push-ups a day, and that's it, I'm usually playing games or just on here recently.

And what Legend11 said, I always eat at the computer, probably is a real bad habbit, and usually I'm not hungry, I may look fit and healthy, but recently I can feel it in my body that I am not, ever since bout 2 months ago when things went shitty.

Art, you've got a high metabolism on your side ... but trust me, if you keep eating like that, you'll be big as a house. 

I never seem to put on weight no matter what I do. Must be in the gene's or something. i do do a fair amount of walking though.



I used to work out.

I don't need to work out to lose weight, but I do need to to get in shape.

I weigh 152 pounds. I'm about 5"11 - 6"0 tall. I don't know how to get my body fat.

I prefer to work exercise into my daily routine rather than go to a gym or something like that. So in the summer, I like to walk and bike as many places as I can. It's about a 12 km round trip to get to work, so combined with a semi-active job, that keeps me pretty fit for the warmer part of the year.

My problem is the cold part of the year, when human power becomes much less feasible, and large holiday dinners abound. I don't really gain weight, my muscle mass just devolves into fat. To combat this, I've started the Video Game Fitness Program!

The Video Game Fitness Program consists of playing as much DDR and Wii Boxing as you can handle. So far, I'm pleased with the results. My muscles are toning up, my waist is slimming down and my energy level is higher. I'm not losing weight, but my weight doesn't actually change much, anyway. None of the tedium of going to the gym, although if you're looking to develop specific areas of fitness, video game exercise obviously uses a limited set of movements when compared to weights or aerobics.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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24% body fat? What in the world? You must have been serisouly out of shape. I think Im over weight and I only have 16% body fat.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

zackblue said:
24% body fat? What in the world? You must have been serisouly out of shape. I think Im over weight and I only have 16% body fat.

 He's 6'3" and using BMI, which tends to be pretty inaccurate for people who are tall or short. It also can't distinguish between fat and muscle mass. So 24% is quite possibly overestimating his body fat.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Yea, I need to lose some weight. I was sort of robbed of physical exercise throughout most of the year because we thought I had mono and the doctor told me to not do physical work at the risk of rupturing my liver. Ironically, after some tests we know what's wrong with my liver and exercise is actually what I need.

Wish I could gain weight. :(
I'm 6' and 150 lbs. I eat a ridiculous amount, most of which isn't health, and I'm still skinny as a rail.

I'm a workout nut. Highschool I was 6'1 200 pds (never really too big just chubby) after high school I joined a training police academy with the L.A. County Sherriffs Department and ever since then health has been a #1 priority. Now I'm at 6'1 165pds. My current goal is to run 2 miles in 16 minutes (Army Standard).


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