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ArtofAngels said:

All I ever eat is junk, 24/7, it's either Pizza, Macca's or something frozen for Dinner, I weigh though 72Kg's, what's that 150lb? Anyone know?

I've only gone into this habbit the last 2 or so months though, I can't gain weight if I tried.

The only exercise I do, is I make sure I do 50 push-ups a day, and that's it, I'm usually playing games or just on here recently.

And what Legend11 said, I always eat at the computer, probably is a real bad habbit, and usually I'm not hungry, I may look fit and healthy, but recently I can feel it in my body that I am not, ever since bout 2 months ago when things went shitty.

Art, you've got a high metabolism on your side ... but trust me, if you keep eating like that, you'll be big as a house.