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Since getting married, and being fed by a great cook, I've ballooned up a lot. When I first met the wife I was a healthy 215-220lbs or so. Fast forward a few years later and I got all the way up to 285lbs. I'm 6'3, so I didn't look obese, but on paper, I was. :(

I'm on a new diet, called the I'm too poor to buy food right now, so I eat once a day. I've gone from 265 to 255 in the last 10-14 days. Decided to start working out a bit as well, couple dozen crunches a day, strength training on the home gym. Sorta watching my calorie intake as well and trying to do a lot more physical activities to try and burn the excess.

I feel a lot healthier than I did say a month or two ago. I've got more energy and I can actually sustain a decent amount of time working out, where as before it was a pure struggle. Since I want to get into policing I figured since I was already losing some weight, I might as well get some strength training in since I'll need it.

That's my story. :P I ate cupcakes yesterday though, totally went to my ass :P