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comparing total sales of consoles that sold years apart is completely fair and logical.

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burninmylight said:

1. If it's your favorite console, never let people forget to take digital sales into account. If you hate the opposition, conveniently forget they have viable digital stores too.

2. For some reason, bundled games don't count toward sales. Because even though countless people say they're waiting to buy a console when a specific game comes out, people never buy consoles for a specific game. It just happens to fall out of the packaging when they unbox it.

3. All data on VGChartz is bogus except when you need it to make your point.

4. Anonymous sources are more reliable and trustworthy than industry insiders willing to reveal themselves when leaving a comment.

5. Being the generational sales leader is more important than finding a successful long-term business model.

6. Everyone here is a tech expert who must correct the other tech experts on their spreading of misinformation. It's perfectly OK to derail any thread in order  to do this. Every tech expert is also a DBZ expert (many of us are Toonami kids).

7. Some random joker from NeoGAF counts as a viable source (credit to Jaywood 2010)

8. "When a handheld is outselling a home console, you are not allowed to compare those system's sales. If it's the other way around, you are." (credit to Munchies)

9. "When somebody quits the NFL prediction league it's due to loss of interest, not falling hopelessly behind the leaders." (credit to Rolstoppable)

10. When you bash a company, you're never being a hater, you're just keeping it real. (credit to Rolstoppable)

10.1 "A"?" at the end of your "doom article" thread title doesn't mean you are being a negative troll, just raising speculative awareness." (credit to Viper1)

11. " Insulting another user is never acceptable, except when ioi does it to pezus." (credit to Rolstoppable)

12. "We're not allowed to go a week without at least three threads complaining about other threads." (credit to ICStats)

12.1 We're not allowed to go a week without at least three Wii U doom threads. Otherwise, life as we know it is doomed.

12.2 New users will at some point complain about how everyone will only want to talk about sales, even though this is a site about sales.

13. "Because someone of a fanbase thinks something, all of them do. (If an Xbox fan thinks that DS4 isn't that good, all Xbox fans think that as well, or fanbases are a single entity, no one speaks for themselves, but for the entire base.)" (credit to the-pi-guy)

14. "If you don't agree with me you must not be listening to what I'm saying." (credit to RavenXtra)

14.1 "If you actually understood what I was saying, there's no way you'd disagree with me - because nobody who can understand what I am saying could possibly have a different point of view: mine is the only correct opinion someone who had all the facts could make!" (elaborated upon by VitroBahllee)

15. "Goalposts are meant to be fluid, amorphous, ever changing targets with whom you're debating with but fixed, immovable structures of fact when it's you." (credit to Viper1)

16. "Proved wrong in a thread about something? Just leave until another thread about the same thing appears tomorrow." (credit to ganoncrotch)

16.1 You can also get out of any awkard or unenviable situation by claiming you were joking/trolling. Sixty-three percent of the time, it works every time.

17. "End any thread title with ellipses to draw more interest to..." (credit to Augen)

18. "ITZ NOT ABOTU GRAF-X, ITZ ABOUT GAEMPLAY!!!" *Next gen, your favorite console is the most powerful* "MY CONS0LE IZ TEH BEST BECUZ ONLY IT KAN DO TRUH HI DEAF GAMEZ!!!"

18.1 "You're not allowed to find a game visually appealing if it's not on a gaming PC or the most powerful console on the market." (credit to curl-6)

19. You are what you avatar. Kratos avatar? Clearly a biased Sony bitch. Master Chief? Microsheep. Link? Nintenho. No exceptions.

20. "Your console or game of choice is always UNDERTRACKED, whereas the opposition is always OVERTRACKED" (credit to Seece)

21. Being a fan of a particular console or its producer means you are clearly biased against other consoles and manufacturers, no matter what your game collection or post history says about you.

What am I forgetting?

lmao at 19

deadly2choke said:

burninmylight said:


19. os avatar? Clearly a biased Sony bitch. Master Chief? Microsheep. Link? Nintenho. No exceptions.


lmao at 19

Back to my quote trees suggestion.

Quoting an entire (long) OP with a short response is totally acceptable.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

padib said:

Sequels are only acceptable if they are on your favorite console.

How did I miss this earlier? In fact, how did I not think of this one myself?

_crazy_man_ said:
deadly2choke said:

burninmylight said:


19. os avatar? Clearly a biased Sony bitch. Master Chief? Microsheep. Link? Nintenho. No exceptions.


lmao at 19

Back to my quote trees suggestion.

Quoting an entire (long) OP with a short response is totally acceptable.

I was going to put it in regardless, but your trope got certified in record time.

Around the Network

Indeed, I was quite surprised to see a volunteer step forward and prove my logic.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Video game journalism is terrible, but only if it bashes your console of choice or praises the console you hate.

Also, if a site says something positive about Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo, it's biased towards that company, and if it says something against one of them, it's biased against them.

lucidium said:

comparing total sales of consoles that sold years apart is completely fair and logical.

It is now Trope 5.1 :)

deadly2choke said:

lmao at 19

No exceptions, you biased Sony numbskull.

If an internet poll says that people favor a console or company you don't like over one you do, it's because the whole internet is biased towards that company.