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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why the hell does the Internet have a vendetta against Nintendo?

tiffac said:

Its all about the money, so when you start bleeding money then expect the sharks to start pouncing.

Tap that $20!

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XboneWins said:
supernihilist said:
Because it threatens peoples masculinity, thay believe being on your basement playing war shoters online is very manly which i find really hilarious

But playing Mario in your mothers basement is like, really manly.

Guess we just found out who plays COD in his mom's basement lol.

xmositox said:
padib said:

Most people enjoy bashing Nintendo because they don't respect their success, they don't respect their market decisions and most of all they hate their fans as being some form of sub-gamer that doesn't know games.

I'll second this comment....   I had every nintendo console until they came out with the Wii. Loved Metroid, mario cart, mario party etc.  As soon as I saw the 2-3 controller crap nunchuckknife bs. I said no...  then I saw everyone loving all this gimmicks and I said to myself really, you all look silly.  I would love to play nintendo games with an PS or Xbox controller and not have to jump swing my hands to play.  When it appeared Wii U was going to fail, I was happy. Finally their gimmicks are not working. Maybe they can make a real console or make games as a 3rd party for a real console..I dont hate nintendo.  I just hate the Wii and WiiU.     


Call me a hater whatever you want. Ironically, I dont like shooters and prefer 3rd person games, rpgs, strategy games etc...  so please ji mention of COD, BF.   1st person shooters were meant to be played with mouse and keyboard, but that is another conversation..

Actually, the nunchuck + wiimote worked really well for some games.  For example, resident evil 4.  Hands down best on Wii IMO.  But I get what you are saying.  I can simplify what you are saying even more.

Competition is good.  Sometimes these companies need to have a dud to realize that their shit does stink like everyone else.  Ala sony with the PS3 (at least early on).  Why do you think they went back to basics with the PS4, simple off the shelf type architecture vs custom, etc.  Those decisions are because they got burned.  If PS3 was successful out of the gate, you might be looking at a 800 dollar PS4 instead.

Personally, I like the concept behind the Wii U controller (screen).  But it's a bit heavy, uncomfortable to hold after a while, etc.  I found myself switching to the Wii wand for Mario 2D for example... The Wii wand was much better.  Seems like Nintendo could have spent more time refining the Wii U controller...  Either way, hopefully their struggles with Wii U make them realize that its a new world going forward and they MUST have top 3rd party support, because at the end of the day that's killing them.  Whatever it takes to get that.  Getting harder and harder for them to make it with just their first party games selling the system.

HipHopGodd said:
Nintendo is going through the same thing Sony went through with PS3. They dominated the previous generation and are now stumbling out of the gate. My question is this: Were you're as equally upset when Sony faced the same criticism?

Wrong, Sony did not do anything that Nintendo is doing right now in the beginning.. And ps3 sales started taking off by the beginning of year 2 and end of year 1 on market because of a 399 model introduction. Wii u is selling less and less.. And is not even close to on par with ps3 sales if aligned.. So this is not a comparable situation at all(there are note reasons why)


MohammadBadir said:

Nintendo stocks jump 20%, no one cares, Nintendo announces high 3DS sales, no one cares, WiiU has highest selling month in USA, no one cares, Nintendo becomes bigger than all of Sony,no one cares, but when Nintendo slashes predictions, stocks fall, announce that they EXPECT a 250m loss even though their competitors lose a lot more and more frequently, it makes headlines.

what is the root of all this bias against Nintendo? Is there a particular reason like Nintendo not paying for positive press or is it just the cool thing to do?

Because videogame websites and forums all full of morons and fanboys who don´t understand anything about economy and finances. That´s it. So much that people insist in ignoring the smashing success that 3ds had last year and will continue to have this year

By the way, the financial situation of Sony is not any better: it have been posting losses for quite some time. And right now the future of the home console market is uncertain. Nintendo is not the only loser, despite of what media says.