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MohammadBadir said:

Nintendo stocks jump 20%, no one cares, Nintendo announces high 3DS sales, no one cares, WiiU has highest selling month in USA, no one cares, Nintendo becomes bigger than all of Sony,no one cares, but when Nintendo slashes predictions, stocks fall, announce that they EXPECT a 250m loss even though their competitors lose a lot more and more frequently, it makes headlines.

what is the root of all this bias against Nintendo? Is there a particular reason like Nintendo not paying for positive press or is it just the cool thing to do?

Because videogame websites and forums all full of morons and fanboys who don´t understand anything about economy and finances. That´s it. So much that people insist in ignoring the smashing success that 3ds had last year and will continue to have this year

By the way, the financial situation of Sony is not any better: it have been posting losses for quite some time. And right now the future of the home console market is uncertain. Nintendo is not the only loser, despite of what media says.