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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata: "we´re thinking about a new business structure"

Corvo said:
Roma said:

thought I would post this here



keep dreaming (people who want Nintendo games on other systems) If anyone goes third party it's going to be Sony first as they are bleeding like hell! I wonder what they made in 2013. who ever runs Sony needs to be fired!

LOL, been reading about sony bleeding money,  never thought that was a big number... wow microsoft... . Do you think they still will go on next gen? I mean, PS5 Xbox''something'' . I know that micro can stick around, they are a big company. 

By the way, those numbers from Sony are from their game division or the whole company?.

I think game division only

MS could stick around for ever if they chose too Sony on the other hand has no choice but to sell more buildings and cutt out the divisions that make it bleed as the gaming one isn't the only bleeding one

the problem with gamers is that if Nintendo lost just a little bit everyone goes mad and want Iwata fired and them go third party but when Sony or MS bleed billions it never gets blown up like it does with Nintendo

they must really be craving teh Nintendo on their systems Nintendo should be flattered people love their products even though they hate them so much for not being 3rd party LOL

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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oniyide said:
Corvo said:
oniyide said:
Corvo said:
oniyide said:
Corvo said:
drake4 said:
oniyide said:
Corvo said:
drake4 said:
Corvo said:
drake4 said:
benji232 said:
To everyone saying that a Nintendo smartphone is a great idea, think again. Making a smartphone does not equate automatically to tons of sales (see blackberry). Also, lets be honnest, outside of the hardcore Nintendo fans, who would consider buying a Nintendo phone? I mean, most people who buy smartphones just see games as a bonus. Also, If Nintendo decided to release their own phone, they would have to start selling their games considerably cheaper then they are today.

These are just a few points off the top of my head. I am sorry, but I just cant see how Nintendo would benefit from releasing a smartphone.

focus on handhelds and become a thirdparty or second party, thats the solution for them.

You have been saying this since dinosaurs were extinct and you keep holding this stupid idea, even after everyone saying this is stupid. I'm not defending nintendo nor I'm not a nintendo fanboy, but you really should take a deep read on what is gaming market before saying these things. If you want to play nintendo games, buy a damm nintendo console, that is not hard. And why they should go third party after the huge sucess of the wii/DS?. By your logic, they should've go 3rd party after the Gamecube, and we know what came after the Gamecube...

Some times people refuse to use their brain... that is annoying. Is is not '' blind vision by a fanboy'' it is market logic: financial reserve due to the wii fad.

wii is a fad,  it's not a concept that can keep on selling, nintedno hit the lottery in 2006, but technology has advanced so much thats almost impossible for nintedno to come up with something like that again imo, virtual boy and the gampad, have been huge failure, third party support are done with nintedno consoles, what's nintendo only hope, to come up with a new fad that can sell millions, which is easier said then done, while sony and microsft have every developer working for them that can make the next big game to sell 10-20 million consoles

They failed so hard with WIIU that they sould feel ashamed for themselves. Thats what you get for not putting investment in advertisement and publicity. But the market ( the whole, not the gaming itself) is unstable, we can predicate somethings, but others with no rational arguments is stupidity. They are back to the normal ages. Following the steps of N64. GC, it is nintendo being ignorant and refusing to invest in third party+ strong console, it was always that. But these facots are not going to sink nintendo so hard that they will stop and say: Ok lets become 3rd party. They are software winners, not hardwares. As long they keep releasing games with quality that sells good and keep the HW on '''''' normal'''''' numbers ( for them) they wont take that suicidal step.

Really can't understand why you keep defending the idea of Ninty 3rd party. It would be the end of almost half good titles we know. As a guy who grew with these titles, and discovered the awesome from sony with their playstation, I can assume that true gamers would hate hard an epic Zelda game turning in a EA game level... because sorry my friends ... thats how 3rd parties work... they dont care for quality ( not all, just most of them)... they care for sucking all the money from you... sniff sniff.. capcom..

the last paragraph is one big assumption, thats not what happened to Sega

yup its hilarious how nintendo fans would rather have a tablet or phone as nintedno next console instead of making games for a beast of a console called the ps4.

Well, nintendo can do whatever they want. Also, phone/tablet market is the WORST idea, even worse than 3rd party... if I have to choose, I would go 3rd party... but assuming their finantial situation, it would be non-sense. Keeping on the phone/tablet, nintendo doesnt have phone/tablet division as sony. Also, there are 2 big leading the market: Apple + Samsung . Nintendo on HW line is fighting 2 big's, sony + micro. If they are smarty enough , the second market ( HW) is where they have at least name. Iwata can't be that stupid to go on phone/tablet market ( maybe he is, after that ''9 millions wii U's by march'' and 3 consecutives years of money loss.

Nintendo has 2 problems : Satoru and Iwata.

they dont HAVE to make a phone or tablet, they could just make small type games, damn near every other game publisher does it. 

After the '' Iwata said Nintendo is going to change his business strategy dramastically'' I expect everything. They could just stick with Handhelds , they are strong in this division. Also, it depends if they can make a profit on wii U. Do you think they can sell the wii U on N64 numbers? or at least push better numbers than GC?. If they could make profit on wii U , no doubt that they still can stick on HW market... but they REALLY have to change their '' business strategy''. I also expect a hybrid console that goes Handheld + home console, as everyone recently suggested.

no, no they cant, from what i understand they still arent making money on Wii U, they might have to do ANOTHER price cut and right now it looks like it might not even hit GC numbers, forget N64. 

Hmmm, indeed they still arent making, they are losing. By the way, following this line, do you think the '' great wii U saviors '' ... the upcoming games.. can turn the console profitable?. Been reading a lot of : MK8+Smash bros will save, blablabla... N64 times were tough I can say. Nintendo messed everything and sony took the crown. Can't believe they still made '' good '' numbers after that.

hell no, its the same crap people been spewing since inception. Rayman, Pikmin, W101, Sonic, 3dworld all came went and didnt really save (3dworld is debatable) people dont seem to want the CONSOLE especially when they can get a MK and Smash on the more popular 3ds and before anyone says anything about people would want the real thing, I would refer them to Lego City and Sonic both 3ds versions soundly beating the Wii U counterparts and the former had no ads for 3ds.

3D world would be a '' half savior '' for wii U ( this is just presumption from me) if they made bundled. If they are smart enough, they could bundle Smash and mario kart with a price cut. That would not make a profit , but at least would born a momentum with boost sales. They are in the deep of the well, we cant expect everything. Miracles can happen . Well dont get me wrong but , I think some titles like X and smash bros ( lets exclude MK8 ) , are overhyped and better expected than those you listed no?. I guess they Smash on both consoles were a well played move. They want to catch a peak again on 3DS too, and I think they can work well without losing profit on each console. I'm horrible with predictions , I will just wait for the '' strategy changes'' - Dont fail me again Iwata!.

Most antecipated games: Mario Kart 8 and Warlords of Draenor.

Those wanting a nintablet to replace the gamepad have you ctually pickedup the gamepad?

How you gonna fit all those buttons on a slim tablet? all this new tablet would be doing is adding another control method to a system that already has 3.



Roma said:
Corvo said:
Roma said:

thought I would post this here



keep dreaming (people who want Nintendo games on other systems) If anyone goes third party it's going to be Sony first as they are bleeding like hell! I wonder what they made in 2013. who ever runs Sony needs to be fired!

LOL, been reading about sony bleeding money,  never thought that was a big number... wow microsoft... . Do you think they still will go on next gen? I mean, PS5 Xbox''something'' . I know that micro can stick around, they are a big company. 

By the way, those numbers from Sony are from their game division or the whole company?.

I think game division only

MS could stick around for ever if they chose too Sony on the other hand has no choice but to sell more buildings and cutt out the divisions that make it bleed as the gaming one isn't the only bleeding one

the problem with gamers is that if Nintendo lost just a little bit everyone goes mad and want Iwata fired and them go third party but when Sony or MS bleed billions it never gets blown up like it does with Nintendo

they must really be craving teh Nintendo on their systems Nintendo should be flattered people love their products even though they hate them so much for not being 3rd party LOL

Hhahaah, Nintendo reminds me some Machiavelli: '' must be feared than loved to hold power'', but in nintendo's case is '' must be hated than loved to hold power''.

Also, WOW ONLY GAME DIVISION?'' shockes with doritos'' , I heard they were losing A LOT of money from other divions like tv,phones...After the Vita's disaster, their ps4 has to sell a lot . Would like to know if they will stick on next gen with a ps5.

Off topic: Awesome Samus picture, dont get me wrong, Other M was at least good . Hopes for a Metroid from Retro for wii U in 2015!

Most antecipated games: Mario Kart 8 and Warlords of Draenor.

Roma said:
Corvo said:
Roma said:

thought I would post this here



keep dreaming (people who want Nintendo games on other systems) If anyone goes third party it's going to be Sony first as they are bleeding like hell! I wonder what they made in 2013. who ever runs Sony needs to be fired!

LOL, been reading about sony bleeding money,  never thought that was a big number... wow microsoft... . Do you think they still will go on next gen? I mean, PS5 Xbox''something'' . I know that micro can stick around, they are a big company. 

By the way, those numbers from Sony are from their game division or the whole company?.

I think game division only

MS could stick around for ever if they chose too Sony on the other hand has no choice but to sell more buildings and cutt out the divisions that make it bleed as the gaming one isn't the only bleeding one

the problem with gamers is that if Nintendo lost just a little bit everyone goes mad and want Iwata fired and them go third party but when Sony or MS bleed billions it never gets blown up like it does with Nintendo

they must really be craving teh Nintendo on their systems Nintendo should be flattered people love their products even though they hate them so much for not being 3rd party LOL

I am quite sure those are numbers for the whole company.

Around the Network
Roma said:
Corvo said:
Roma said:

thought I would post this here



keep dreaming (people who want Nintendo games on other systems) If anyone goes third party it's going to be Sony first as they are bleeding like hell! I wonder what they made in 2013. who ever runs Sony needs to be fired!

LOL, been reading about sony bleeding money,  never thought that was a big number... wow microsoft... . Do you think they still will go on next gen? I mean, PS5 Xbox''something'' . I know that micro can stick around, they are a big company. 

By the way, those numbers from Sony are from their game division or the whole company?.

I think game division only

MS could stick around for ever if they chose too Sony on the other hand has no choice but to sell more buildings and cutt out the divisions that make it bleed as the gaming one isn't the only bleeding one

the problem with gamers is that if Nintendo lost just a little bit everyone goes mad and want Iwata fired and them go third party but when Sony or MS bleed billions it never gets blown up like it does with Nintendo

they must really be craving teh Nintendo on their systems Nintendo should be flattered people love their products even though they hate them so much for not being 3rd party LOL

Microsoft can indeed go forever, however osme of their investors think xbox is a waste of money. So who knows waht will happen in the future if ever gen overall becomes not profiable for them. But i think signs will be better this time round as they got more fans, selling and selling at the highest price profitting. 



sidmeiernintifan said:

I am quite sure those are numbers for the whole company.

what makes me think it is only game devision is that it starts when they released the PS1 the same can be said about MS's Xbox unless the companies came into existence in those years of course which is not the case 

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Cobretti2 said:
Those wanting a nintablet to replace the gamepad have you ctually pickedup the gamepad?

How you gonna fit all those buttons on a slim tablet? all this new tablet would be doing is adding another control method to a system that already has 3.

The 2ds is basically a Tablet. It doesnt have 2 screens, it has only one with a piece of plastic over it that makes people think it is 2 separate screens.

Roma said:
Corvo said:
Roma said:

thought I would post this here



keep dreaming (people who want Nintendo games on other systems) If anyone goes third party it's going to be Sony first as they are bleeding like hell! I wonder what they made in 2013. who ever runs Sony needs to be fired!

LOL, been reading about sony bleeding money,  never thought that was a big number... wow microsoft... . Do you think they still will go on next gen? I mean, PS5 Xbox''something'' . I know that micro can stick around, they are a big company. 

By the way, those numbers from Sony are from their game division or the whole company?.

I think game division only

MS could stick around for ever if they chose too Sony on the other hand has no choice but to sell more buildings and cutt out the divisions that make it bleed as the gaming one isn't the only bleeding one

the problem with gamers is that if Nintendo lost just a little bit everyone goes mad and want Iwata fired and them go third party but when Sony or MS bleed billions it never gets blown up like it does with Nintendo

they must really be craving teh Nintendo on their systems Nintendo should be flattered people love their products even though they hate them so much for not being 3rd party LOL

It's not game only at least not on Sonys side (why the hell would the game division post a 2.8 billion dollar loss in 2012??), also there are some clear mistakes cause Sony (and it's gaming division) actually didn't post a loss in 2012.

Corvo said:

Hhahaah, Nintendo reminds me some Machiavelli: '' must be feared than loved to hold power'', but in nintendo's case is '' must be hated than loved to hold power''.

Also, WOW ONLY GAME DIVISION?'' shockes with doritos'' , I heard they were losing A LOT of money from other divions like tv,phones...After the Vita's disaster, their ps4 has to sell a lot . Would like to know if they will stick on next gen with a ps5.

Off topic: Awesome Samus picture, dont get me wrong, Other M was at least good . Hopes for a Metroid from Retro for wii U in 2015!

I honestly don't see them continuing with PS5 as they already are looking for other ways to sell games like PS Now which is just the beginning


yeah I'm hoping for a Metroid as soon as possible! can't wait and thanks btw

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(