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Corvo said:

Hhahaah, Nintendo reminds me some Machiavelli: '' must be feared than loved to hold power'', but in nintendo's case is '' must be hated than loved to hold power''.

Also, WOW ONLY GAME DIVISION?'' shockes with doritos'' , I heard they were losing A LOT of money from other divions like tv,phones...After the Vita's disaster, their ps4 has to sell a lot . Would like to know if they will stick on next gen with a ps5.

Off topic: Awesome Samus picture, dont get me wrong, Other M was at least good . Hopes for a Metroid from Retro for wii U in 2015!

I honestly don't see them continuing with PS5 as they already are looking for other ways to sell games like PS Now which is just the beginning


yeah I'm hoping for a Metroid as soon as possible! can't wait and thanks btw

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(