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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII may not get a 2008 release due to DQIX says Wada

Is there anything resembling a release window for The Last Remnant? It's supposed to be a worldwide simultaneous release, right?

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twesterm said:
Did anyone honestly actually expect FFXIII in 2008?

 We hoped


@ deviation, I think that it is meant to come out in spring, bu certainly this year, and worlwide only means US and Japan

I think SE means by "not in the same year" not in the same financial year. Which makes sense because you don't want your two main franchises on the same financial result, because it will make the year after look very bad.

This will mean that FF13 won't be released until April 2009 (in Japan that is).

I think it will be released in Japan but after Christmas for america, europe etc.



When has a FF game been released on time? And if the Japanese get it late this year, it'll still be six months to a full year before an NTSC or a PAL release.
I think it'll hit Japan in March 09, NA in August 09 and PAL November 09.

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You guys are missing a big point here. If someone buys DQ and waits for FF, it's highly likely they will pick up a used copy instead. There's a reason why these games are so frontloaded, it's because they have to be. DQ is probably gonna break the record for best selling DQ (or FF) game, it's got the biggest userbase but now it includes a multi-player which means more re-play value. Less people will sell it and we might start to see a game with pretty good legs.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

the one game i would consider buying a PS3 for might not be out for a while >.

I'm now thinking an 2009 release during Golden Week in Japan and an Holiday 09 release in US.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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I'm going out on a limb and saying it's a bold faced lie that Final Fantasy XIII could be released this year anywhere. Anyone that knows about Square knows that FF info is usually pretty solid. They don't usually keep things hidden. If they have something to show, they show it. Expect a 5 month wait between Japanese and American release dates, with another 3 or 4 months tacked on for Europe. The fact that we haven't seen even one gameplay video is kind of worrying. Just look at how long it's taking them to release DQIX, and it's a DS game! I think Square was completely caught off guard with the complexity of the PS3's internals and is facing what most of the third parties are facing with their franchises, massive delays. This looks like smoke screen talk to me.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.