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I'm going out on a limb and saying it's a bold faced lie that Final Fantasy XIII could be released this year anywhere. Anyone that knows about Square knows that FF info is usually pretty solid. They don't usually keep things hidden. If they have something to show, they show it. Expect a 5 month wait between Japanese and American release dates, with another 3 or 4 months tacked on for Europe. The fact that we haven't seen even one gameplay video is kind of worrying. Just look at how long it's taking them to release DQIX, and it's a DS game! I think Square was completely caught off guard with the complexity of the PS3's internals and is facing what most of the third parties are facing with their franchises, massive delays. This looks like smoke screen talk to me.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.