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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will the X1 ever be able to pass the Wii U?

bonzobanana said:
There is one huge factor in wii u's favour that people are overlooking. The wii u is an incredibly cheap design with low manufacturing costs.

Nintendo have tried to sell the wii u at an inflated price and its struggled but ultimately the wii u will have lower manufacturing costs than a hard drive equipped ps3 or 360. The wii u is fully capable of being sold at a very low price.

There is hardly anything of value in the wii u component wise and they have not used functionality that requires licensing.

1. The chipset is on a 40/45nm process. GPU 40nm and cpu 45nm this is the same or worse than 360 and PS3. The xbox one and ps4 are on a much more expensive 28nm process.

2. There is no hard drive and only a small amount of low speed flash memory.

3. It requires far less power than 360 or PS3 and hence all power components are of lower spec and cheaper.

4. The gamepad screen is just a very low cost resistive screen probably only costing a few dollars.

5. The DDR memory chips are very low speed basic chips, below the memory bandwidth of 360 and PS3 (wii u uses embedded 32MB of memory to compensate for this).

6. Optical drives are not expensive now even higher density drives and there is no support for multiple layers on wii u.

7. They have no licensed royalties to pay. The wii u will not output dolby or dts 5.1 or 7.1 it just uses 5.1 lpcm. It does not have any bluray movie playback or media centre functionality requiring licensed codecs.

8. The radeon gpu is near entry level mobility spec with low licensing costs.

9. The gamepad is missing some functionality like analogue triggers and they use a very low spec battery pack that lasts only 4-5hrs.

10, Obviously the case etc is very basic, minimal size and the circuit board for both the console and gamepad is very low cost.

I'm just making the point Nintendo can price the wii u far more aggressively than ps4 and xbox one. cost components in a way that maximises their performance.

Will people be predicting the xbox one will outsell the wii u if the wii u is priced at £99 or £129 etc, maybe $150 in the states. The wii u is fully capable of reaching a budget price point for next christmas that would be impossible for ps4 and xbox one without absolutely huge losses.

Clearly Nintendo loves to make huge profits on weak hardware but they have a card they can play if they have to.

Also the wii u is the only console which is an upgrade route. For current wii owners who basically only use their wii casually, fitness games etc. The wii u represents an upgrade path where they can still use all their old wii software. The pricing of the wii u console may not be right yet but of those 100 million wii users I think many will upgrade when the wii u console hits the right price.

The key thing is at the moment the wii u doesn't represent a fair performance level for its current pricing but that can change.

I think the ps4 is the almost definite winner of this generation but its harder to tell with xbox one vs wii u. I mean the ps4 can basically do anything the xbox one can do but better with the exception of kinect features which most people don't want. The xbox 360 was the king of multiformat gaming vs ps3 but this time around the ps4 beats xbox one considerably by a far higher margin.

Ultimately either could beat the other depending on console pricing, marketing and their exclusive games. Both companies have been poorly managed recently with a lot of poor decisions made. I'm still amazed at how low Nintendo set the wii u spec to the point where it struggles to match ps3 and 360 for multiform games.

"Lets not forget the wii u on average performs lower than 360 and PS3 and the design is using very low cost technology of today."


Are you using a few lazy ports for a launch console as your basis? Man, full credit to the new consoles but if you think Wii U is below 7th gen consoles then you are dreaming. See it's not a matter of opinion, its FLOPS and there is no debate. I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling doghnut if you like Nintendo but to talk about PS3's specs in such glowing terms in 2014 removes any credability you might have had.

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Will pass Wii U by the time Summer is over.

Maybe, but I think at the end of the generation, it will be close for second place between the two with PS4 in a comfortable top spot, like the sixth generation, but I don't think the lead will be that big.

softcoregamer82 said:
Maybe, but I think at the end of the generation, it will be close for second place between the two with PS4 in a comfortable top spot, like the sixth generation, but I don't think the lead will be that big.

The PS4 is selling very well in America. Coupled with Japan this should secure a comfortable lead for Sony. The 360 era was the only era the Xbox ever outsold the Playstation in America combining price and availability. They essentially serve the same purpose and fuction. The third party gamers mostly will switch back to Sony until Microsoft drops the price, which means dropping the Kinect.

WiiU is actually picking up during the holidays and most seemed to have overlooked this.

Id give it 2 years. Certainly won't take 7 years to take 2nd......:P

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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sales2099 said:
WiiU is actually picking up during the holidays and most seemed to have overlooked this.

Id give it 2 years. Certainly won't take 7 years to take 2nd......:P


TheLastStarFighter said:
I don't see One passing U as it stands now. I think One is in a very ugly place. If Kart and Smash drop in the early part of the year, U could have solid early sales and big Christmas in 2014. I'm starting to see One's lag on store shelves now. With most of its library available on the cheaper and better PS4 I think the One is in a bad place.

Smash Bros and Mario Kart didn't save the Gamcube though. Just saying as good as software is, if people are put off by the hardware, the games will only do so much.

You act like Halo and Titanfall aren't going to do their own system selling.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
I don't see One passing U as it stands now. I think One is in a very ugly place. If Kart and Smash drop in the early part of the year, U could have solid early sales and big Christmas in 2014. I'm starting to see One's lag on store shelves now. With most of its library available on the cheaper and better PS4 I think the One is in a bad place.

Smash Bros and Mario Kart didn't save the Gamcube though. Just saying as good as software is, if people are put off by the hardware, the games will only do so much.

You act like Halo and Titanfall aren't going to do their own system selling.

True nuf.

Ninty ones think SSB and MK are some sure pillers of victory, they sure forget that Ninty had em on N64 and GC and still got their asses whooped.

BeElite said:
sales2099 said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
I don't see One passing U as it stands now. I think One is in a very ugly place. If Kart and Smash drop in the early part of the year, U could have solid early sales and big Christmas in 2014. I'm starting to see One's lag on store shelves now. With most of its library available on the cheaper and better PS4 I think the One is in a bad place.

Smash Bros and Mario Kart didn't save the Gamcube though. Just saying as good as software is, if people are put off by the hardware, the games will only do so much.

You act like Halo and Titanfall aren't going to do their own system selling.

True nuf.

Ninty ones think SSB and MK are some sure pillers of victory, they sure forget that Ninty had em on N64 and GC and still got their asses whooped.

exactly, they will sell well but if Halo 5 and tItanfall show up with amazing next gen graphics they will push more xbox ones  in my opinon

Lyrikalstylez said:
BeElite said:
sales2099 said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
I don't see One passing U as it stands now. I think One is in a very ugly place. If Kart and Smash drop in the early part of the year, U could have solid early sales and big Christmas in 2014. I'm starting to see One's lag on store shelves now. With most of its library available on the cheaper and better PS4 I think the One is in a bad place.

Smash Bros and Mario Kart didn't save the Gamcube though. Just saying as good as software is, if people are put off by the hardware, the games will only do so much.

You act like Halo and Titanfall aren't going to do their own system selling.

True nuf.

Ninty ones think SSB and MK are some sure pillers of victory, they sure forget that Ninty had em on N64 and GC and still got their asses whooped.

exactly, they will sell well but if Halo 5 and tItanfall show up with amazing next gen graphics they will push more xbox ones  in my opinon

This, i hate to admit it because i am a fan of Smash and MK to an extent and dont really care for Halo or Titanfall, but the two Xbox games will probably get mroe hype and push more xbones than what those Ninty games will do for Wii U. IMHO there really hasnt been anything that has floored me with MK8 or Smash. They literally look like a bit better versions of games people have already. MK8 has that grav thing but i dont think it will be as game changing as people make out. Hell its probably no different than that crap gliding mechanic from 7, i hope im wrong. Smash looks the same. Nothing wrong with that. if it aint broke.

Titanfall is a new IP that has already getting buzz. Halo even if much doesnt change it should look much better than the 360 ones, that only will get people on board.