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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: Which console will be in first place by the end of 2014?


Which console will have the most Lifetime sales by the end of 2014?

Wii U 210 25.55%
PS4 569 69.22%
Xbox One 42 5.11%


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I voted wii U for the lols, 22 other people did the same

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Wii U hands down. ps4 second, xone third.

PS4 > One > Wii U

PS4 sure

One thanks to Halo, americans will buy it by millions (Halo 5) so a lot of One will be sold

Wii U -> although MK, SSB, etc ... those Wii's versions of these games are sold very very well thanks to Wii and casual people, now, casual people give up Nintendo, those game will help Wii U, that's true but they won't sell Wii U by millions ...

Zero999 said:

Wii U hands down.

I think so as well. Only 4,8 million units sold this week and your prediction for the year will come true. What's the prediction for 2014?

Ok on topic and seriously this time, PS4, followed by Xbone, Wii U in the last. Huge marketing push along with Halo 5 will give Xbone a massive holiday season in the US.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

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Call me crazy, but I'm going with Wii U here. I expect the PS4 to pass it at some point, but I think Nintendo's 2014 lineup (Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros) is enough to delay that into 2015.

PS4, for sure

If there's something I've learnt about sales in this very website, is that we never know what to expect. Sales always take weird twists.
Looking at the current situation it's logical to assume PS4 will be the winner, but the real question is, will it be able to keep it's momentum? Will Wii U be able to make some sort of comeback (I'm not saying an epic one, just one good enough to compete properly against PS4)? What will happen with Xbox One? What about handhelds? I don't think that PS Vita will surpass 3DS but what if it suddenly starts selling great and 3DS sales lower making the gap between them decrease at a slow but steady rate?

Now, seriously people, we don't know what to truly expect specially since we have no idea what will companies do. Wii U + 3DS bundle? PS4 + Vita bundle? New services? What will happen when the Steam Machines come out and how will it affect the consoles sales? So much to think about.

Zero999 said:

Wii U hands down.

If you're to say something crazy like this then at least back it up. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

In my opinion, I believe that the PS4 will be the leading console by the end of this year, but not by that much considering that the Wii U is going to have really good software this year. Wii U will come in at a close second, and Xbone will be last.