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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Worst 7th Gen Game?

Metroid Other M, I still don't understand how Nintendo managed to turn one of gaming's greatest heroines into a wimpy, pathetic, submissive crybaby desperate over the approval of a total asshole. I can't think of a single positive thing from that game, it failed on every single level.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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brendude13 said:
Going to have to jump on the Bioshock hate bandwagon I'm afraid. Really dull game.

Ever tried the second game? It was the most critisized Bioshock from the franchise, yet I found that the only Bioshock I ever liked was the second one.

Wright said:
brendude13 said:
Going to have to jump on the Bioshock hate bandwagon I'm afraid. Really dull game.

Ever tried the second game? It was the most critisized Bioshock from the franchise, yet I found that the only Bioshock I ever liked was the second one.

No, I didn't. I don't think it'll fix the problems of the 1st one to the extent that I'd end up liking it though.

DBZfan2027 said:
Wii Sports. Thank you, Nintendo for ushering several years of fitness trash games, and shovelware! I'd also like to pretend Soul Calibur Legends didn't exist, as well. Don't even get me started on that Castlevania fighting game. Ugh!

Either you are trolling or you have the strangest game taste of all. Wii Sports is the perfect party game, I can't count how many times I played this with my friends. Single player is a bit sucky, but it's Sports, so playing a sport alone is a bit silly.

Graphics were hillarious tho. But as long as the main purpose of a game is to have fun then Wii Sports beats 'em all. And about that "ushering" - no wonder developers tried to copy such a successful game.

Probably worst game: Far Cry Vengeance
Worst game I played: Red Steel
Biggest disappointment for me: Quake 4

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I don't really know what inspired me to get this game, but my personal worst for the last generation is Cross Edge. I played it for about an hour, took it out, brought it back to Gamestop and traded it in immediately, with the money I lost on it acting as a reminder of my foolishness in purchasing it.

The game i was most disappointed in was Metroid: Other M!!!

Well... im really tempted to say FFXIII here. It was a colossal disappointment and a disjoint and boring game that took ages to develop and turned out to be a giant turd. I felt robbed of my money and i only payed 15 euros for it.

Sonic 06 is actually not awful, just extremely buggy to the point of beeing almost unplayable at times and ruining your time with the game. There are some stages there were great when everything was working as it should. Kingdom Valley was completely enjoyable and really good looking.

Unlike FFXIII, Sonic 06 tuned out bad cause it was rushed for a christmas release. It needed extra time for polish. something FFXIII had plenty of, but it didnt help it one bit.

Damkos said:
DBZfan2027 said:
Wii Sports. Thank you, Nintendo for ushering several years of fitness trash games, and shovelware! I'd also like to pretend Soul Calibur Legends didn't exist, as well. Don't even get me started on that Castlevania fighting game. Ugh!

Either you are trolling or you have the strangest game taste of all. Wii Sports is the perfect party game, I can't count how many times I played this with my friends. Single player is a bit sucky, but it's Sports, so playing a sport alone is a bit silly.

Graphics were hillarious tho. But as long as the main purpose of a game is to have fun then Wii Sports beats 'em all. And about that "ushering" - no wonder developers tried to copy such a successful game.

Really? I pick what is probably, with objective reasoning, the worst 7th gen game because of the tsunami of crap party, fitness and shovelware games that followed as a result of its success. Also, considering how innacuratte the Wiimote controls were on that game, it's terrible in more ways than one. At least games like DDR function how they're advertised to. Throwing a baseball with excessive force and getting only a 20-25 mph throw? That's crap. Give it a casual waggle and get 60 mph or so? -_-; Yeah, awesome gameplay.

I liked Wii Sports. Probably one of the only video games I can enjoy with my family whenever I go home to visit. I don't think it's fair to hate on something based on it inspiring crappy imitations.

OT: I'm pretty picky about my games, so unless it's part of a franchise I enjoy, I usually wait till I've read reviews or fan opinions on it. I only watched my brother play Other M, though I can see where a lot of the hate for that came from. Not getting a power-up after a boss fight seemed annoying, that was one of my favorite things of the other Metroid games I've played.

I guess the most disappointing game I played in the 7th generation was Naruto: Path of a Ninja on the DS. I got this back when I was really into the manga/anime series, and wanted to play through some of the arcs I knew from the anime. It's an RPG, and is a basically a Gameboy Advance game with a few touch-screen features added (I think it was actually a port of Japanese GBA game), and were basically all silly things like "Rub the screen fast to power up!". I guess I liked the manga/anime enough at the time to complete it, but looking at all my 7th gen games now, it really stands out as my least favorite.

It probably doesn't help that I've completely lost interest in the manga, and dropped the anime years ago, but I feel like it's still a crappy game. Unless of course you're a huge fan of the original series, like I was.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334