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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 starts dominating - outsells WiiU and X1 combined (Read OP, please)

leo-j said:
okay so the xbox one is in stock everywhere right now.....

at least in the U.S.. does not bode well on demand

Nope, not at all.  I keep bringing up Amazon, but its really the only place we can even gauge some part of the market.  Right now, the PS4 is ahead of the Xbox One for the past hour.  Not too out of the norm, except for one thing.  The Xbox One has been in stock for a week or more, and still has over 1000 units in stock, while the PS4 is only been selling through 3rd parties on the site.  And I don't think they have the kind of stock to match what Amazon would have.

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Runa216 said:
This thread honestly surprises me greatly. I knew PS4 was doing well, but "better than Xbone and WiiU combined"? Didn't see that. I still honestly see the PS4 and Xbone being a lot closer longterm than most are imagining. What we've got now according to VGC is 3.4 milllion to 2.4 million, which is about 70%. I figure that's about where it'll end up comparing PS4 and Xbone.

The next couple years will see the PS4 dominate, but as time goes on and the Xbox gets its heavy hitters (halo, Gears, and TitanFall), you'll see the Xbone's sales rise to almost meet and in some cases exceed the PS4's.

The WiiU is still a pretty unpredictable wild card. I honestly do think it'll pick up and do better than it is now, but at the same time I don't think it has a chance of comparing with the other two. I would be okay with PS4 having a 50% market Share, Xbone having 30%, and WiiU having 20%. That's a lot closer than the PS2's dominance over Xbox and Gamecube, which was a 77% market share vs Microsoft's 12% vs Nintendo's 11%.

So yeah, not as good as Gen 7, which was 38% for Nintendo, and 31% for both Playstation and Xbox.

Alas, I can't wait to see how this generation plays out. I just really, really hope the WiiU doesn't fail so miserably that they drop it early, or I'd have wasted money on it.

But Smash bros will redeem it.

If I was predicting the ratio at the moment I'd be thinking 70% PS4, 25% Xbox One and 5% wii u but I know both Microsoft and Nintendo will not let that happen so will price cut etc. Whether that is successful is another matter. Nintendo predicted 9 million wii u's would sell from april 2013 to march 2014 but it looks like 1-1.5 million will be sold. Last gen we say about 250 million consoles sold although all three consoles are still being actively sold. 5% of that is  about 12 million consoles.  Currently that is looking difficult to achieve for wii u. I'm sure that won't happen but its difficult at this point to see why that won't happen. You wonder how Nintendo will turn it around.

Color me not surprised, PS4 is cheaper, smoother, smaller, and more powerful than it's weaker 500 dollar MS competitor and has quiet a lot more graphical potential than the Wii U at 100 dollars more, my problem is never with the hardware however, but the requirement to pay to play online really turns me off to the PS4 now. Will make final decision when I see TLoU2 reviews of course.

656k - 625k

Alby_da_Wolf said:

I hope I'm not the only one that thinks that 8th gen has some chances of becoming bigger than 7th, thanks to the fact that its PC architecture could allow it with price drops to eventually meet the growing income of middle classes in emerging markets.
7th gen had one exceptional launch and first year, Wii and two botched ones, PS3 and XB360, 8th gen has got up until now one good but not impressive launch followed by a botched first year, Wii U, one exceptional launch, PS4 and one very good launch, XBOne: we must still see the first year of teh "New HD Twins", but up until now we can say 8th gen is initially doing better than 7th for home consoles.

We're talking about home consoles, 3DS has nothing to do with them, it's doing very well, but portable market is a totally different one, and the bad initial performance of PSV prevents us from telling for sure whether the portable console market is doing bad overall due to Sony errors or if it's really dying due to tablet and smartphne market being slowly but inesorably marginalizing it, or maybe just resizing it to a smaller absolute or relative size without ever making it shrink to insignificant size or disappear.

I don't see it expanding.  Most likely it will shrink below Gen 7, but higher than Gen 6 numbers.  Reason being that a lot of the audience that the Wii attracted, the casuals, have left the market.  The core gamers chose the 360 and PS3 (with many being multi-console owners), with some going for the Wii (mostly Nintendo fans).  The casuals leaving the market can be illustrated in the poor performance of the Wii U.  It's the cheapest, like the Wii.  It has a "gimmicky" controller, like the Wii U.  And it has more games that appeal to the casual crowd, like the Wii. 

Now, moving onto the core.  I think that the noticeable decline in Xbox One demand so close to launch means that most are going to go with the PS4 this gen, seeing as MS has lost all the advatages it had last gen.  They launched within weeks of each other, not a year or more earlier, like the 360.  The One isn't $200 cheaper than the PS4, like the 360, it is now $100 more expensive.  And while the 360 was slightly less powerful than the PS3, it really only showed in exclusives and barely in a few multiplats.  This time around, there is a very noticable difference in the power of each machine, probably the largest seen between the 1st and 2nd most powerful consoles in a gen.  A difference that will only become more noticeable in the coming years.

In the end, I see PS4 ending somewhere between the PS1 and PS2 (~115M-120M.)  The One somewhere between Xbox and 360 (50M-55M.)  And the Wii U doing slightly above N64 (35M-40M.)

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TornadoCreator said:


The PS4 will win the generation, with strong sales across the board. It will have market dominance in Europe, Australia, and India and a strong ~40% market share in Japan. In USA it'll be close second, but with enough third party support that it may overtake Xbox One by the end of the eighth generation.

The Xbox One will have a strong following in USA and will remain the de-facto home for FPS gamers with Halo, Titanfall, and even Call Of Duty/Battlefield/Destiny (despite being multiplat), because of Xbox Live. Outside of the North American market it will be a distant third place, particularly in Japan where it will likely be discontinued by 2018. Microsoft is however the most likely company to move some of it's production to Brazil given Sony's financial situation, so may claim the Latin American market. If so, the Xbox One may still be a success.

Wii U will sell well in Japan, likely having the largest market share, and will have a decent following in Europe as the default second place. Globally however it will be the third place console, with poor sales in North America, no movement into additional markets, and a lack of third party support. It will likely be perceived in a similar vein to the Gamecube, however 3DS sales, and strong first party software will ensure that Nintendo remain profitable, although there is a risk that many, perfectly decent Wii U games will be denied localisation outside of Japan.

This generation will be a battle for second place between the Xbox One and the Wii U.

Let me know what you think of my analysis and opinion, if you agree or disagree and why. I'm no industry expert so my opinions are subject to change if people have information I've not considered.

You may be wrong here. Because the multiplat shooters are already selling better in USA on PS4, slightly better for COD, but still better, and easily better for BF4.

I expect that Destiny will sell a lot better on PS4 than X1 like BF4. The probable resolution/performance difference between the 2 version and the great DS4 controller will also help that.

And also PS4 hardware is already winning easily while being sold out everywhere in USA so how do you think that PS4 will be close second? Maybe when Titanfall is released, ok.

X1 may win back some gamers with Halo 5 and Titanfall 1 I admit, when they are released, helping the X1 to be head to head with PS4 on USA. Until Titanfall 2 is out on PS4 of course.

Runa216 said:
This thread honestly surprises me greatly. I knew PS4 was doing well, but "better than Xbone and WiiU combined"? Didn't see that. I still honestly see the PS4 and Xbone being a lot closer longterm than most are imagining. What we've got now according to VGC is 3.4 milllion to 2.4 million, which is about 70%. I figure that's about where it'll end up comparing PS4 and Xbone.

The next couple years will see the PS4 dominate, but as time goes on and the Xbox gets its heavy hitters (halo, Gears, and TitanFall), you'll see the Xbone's sales rise to almost meet and in some cases exceed the PS4's.

The WiiU is still a pretty unpredictable wild card. I honestly do think it'll pick up and do better than it is now, but at the same time I don't think it has a chance of comparing with the other two. I would be okay with PS4 having a 50% market Share, Xbone having 30%, and WiiU having 20%. That's a lot closer than the PS2's dominance over Xbox and Gamecube, which was a 77% market share vs Microsoft's 12% vs Nintendo's 11%.

So yeah, not as good as Gen 7, which was 38% for Nintendo, and 31% for both Playstation and Xbox.

Alas, I can't wait to see how this generation plays out. I just really, really hope the WiiU doesn't fail so miserably that they drop it early, or I'd have wasted money on it.

But Smash bros will redeem it.

How do you expect x1 sales rise above ps4?? Ps4 will have plenty of heavy hitters as well, works both ways..360 has not otusold ps3 ijn years despite being more expensive, sorry do not see it. 360 had every advantage, and still couldnt do it, x1 surely won't. 

FrancisNobleman said:
In my thread about the top 15 software of all time, many people wanted to combine ps3 and 360 games in order to beat Nintendo because "It is the same game".

Now 3DS doesn't count despite also being a games console as the PS4.

Hypocrisy gets caught so easily on these forums lol.

I'm not familiar with the thread you're talking about, but I don't think you know what hypocrisy is.

Accepting that a multiplatform game is just one game has nothing to do with saying that handhelds and consoles are the same. Just seems like some poorly executed cherry picking on your end.

I always have to facepalm when people talk about xbone pricecuts, heavy hitters, etc... it's as if they act like Sony doesn't have anything to combat it.

Fact of the matter is that those xbox "heavy hitters", one year advantage, and cheaper pricetag havent done much but made it equal in sales to the ps3. OTH the PlayStation name itself and its heavy hitters have made it outsell 360 every year since 2010.

PS4 is cheaper to produce so if anyone gets a price cut anytime soon its gonna be the ps4. And with the ps4 being cheaper it's a no brainer.

Sony has mlb the show 14, driveclub, uncharted, infamous, and the order 1886 this year and many unannounced ip's like santa monica's new ip, unannounced gg's new ip, sony bend's new ip, media molecule's new ip, unannounced Naughty Dog's new ip, quantic dreams new ip, sony japan stuff, and many exclusive indies including everyone's gone to the rapture, rime, hohokum, shadow of the beast, and h-hour (spiritual socom successor).

Sony has plenty to combat anything ms has to throw and I see this generation HEAVILY PS4 SIDED!!!!

dahuman said:

Color me not surprised, PS4 is cheaper, smoother, smaller, and more powerful than it's weaker 500 dollar MS competitor and has quiet a lot more graphical potential than the Wii U at 100 dollars more, my problem is never with the hardware however, but the requirement to pay to play online really turns me off to the PS4 now. Will make final decision when I see TLoU2 reviews of course.

Don't forget to throw a game in there unless you are going to play a game called 1080P blank screen. Also don't forget to add $50 if you want to play online.


Also don't forget there is a $250 Wii U bundle that again, includes free online and a free game.

So reality is you are talking $250 vs $460 or even more. That is significant. It is almost double the price and is actually double if you plan to play online.