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Forums - Gaming Discussion - eBay proves PS4 and Xbone stock has met demand.

Cobretti2 said:
Locknuts said:
It's sold out until Feb here in Australia. Maybe the could send us some of the US stock?

EB guy told next shipment is April for PS4.

All this will do is piss people off and get them to buy a xbox one first. I seen it already. 

somehow I don't think we poor aussies are a priority...we never are...on a lighter note by april a ps4 may be a more worthy purchase than it is now.

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Or; Sony shipped more units than they were planning on from the Japanese batch for February due to unexpected demand and MS overshipped to begin with?

Hard to say. I think people are putting too much stock in Amazon, e-bay etc as a measure of what's really what in the market. Let's not forget; even the Wii U has been outsold in several venues from time to time, an item being in stock doesn't mean it will stop moving.

There are literally two types of threads here right now; threads using current online stores and retailers trends as "proof" that the One/PS4 will rule the world and those claiming that the very opposite with the same tools at slightly different hours and stock intervals.

Good times at vgchartz!

Just to add a little from another area:

Here in Holland, retailers don't have stock. Apparently, they all just got one shipment at launch, and the second isn't due until January at least (some are even saying April, but that's probably a conservative estimate). All their websites are saying "Our first shipment of PS4 has sold out...". Even for big players like Media Markt.

Dutch online stores also do not appear to have stock, they probably also got just the one shipment. Amazon UK seems to have some stock, but not much while the other European Amazones we here use (DE and FR) don't have stock at all.

A Dutch site similar to Craigslist, has a couple second-hand PS4's on offer for well over the standard €399. However, they don't have much responses and it's impossible to verify is something has actually been sold. Dutch eBay, which automatically lists offerings from Holland and it's neighboring countries (Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and the UK) similarly has a couple overpriced second-hands. They mostly seem to sell for high prices, with this Killzone-bundle in Germany selling for €750

Going by the state of stock in retailers and the second-hand offerings, I'd say demand hasn't yet been satisfied here in The Netherlands, possibly due to the low shipment we have been getting, and I gather the rest of Europe would be a similar situation.

Mummelmann said:
Or; Sony shipped more units than they were planning on from the Japanese batch for February due to unexpected demand and MS overshipped to begin with?

Hard to say. I think people are putting too much stock in Amazon, e-bay etc as a measure of what's really what in the market. Let's not forget; even the Wii U has been outsold in several venues from time to time, an item being in stock doesn't mean it will stop moving.

There are literally two types of threads here right now; threads using current online stores and retailers trends as "proof" that the One/PS4 will rule the world and those claiming that the very opposite with the same tools at slightly different hours and stock intervals.

Good times at vgchartz!

I don't know dude. I love these respond threads. It shows two different sides of a story-- an ending of which we won't know until the second Thursday of next month (or until Sony speaks up).

golfgt170 said:
This is the 1st time that new consoles do not vaporize into thin air in seconds after getting restocked. And i guess you are ignoring the fact that not everyone outside US wants to buy a ps4/xone from Ebay. I've checked and its out of stock (ps4 that is). So outside US the demnad is still not satisfied.

Shops in the UK and Germany have PS4s.  They have even more xones since Europe is Sony fanboy territory. It was sold out during the first week but its not anymore.

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jabberjawky72 said:

considering how much ebay and paypal take out from those purchases, the seller is probably making no profit at this point.


Also, in South Texas, PS4 is still sold out at all possible sellers. Xbox One is readily available at most Target locations and Gamestop. They've been able to meet demand for Xbox One which is good, but PS4 is going to take a little while longer because I really don't think they are able to supply as many PS4s as Xbox has been able to.

Yeah, you have to sell it for more than about $450 to make any profit. 

it proves nothing. If demand was met,then I'd see them on store shelves,but that has yet 2 be the case. I'm one of those people that don't shop online and I'm sure there's plenty of people that don't.