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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dark Souls Producer says Wii U audience doesn't care about Dark Souls.

I honestly think that the Souls series could find a niche audience on Nintendo consoles:

-similaritys to Zelda (the combat system is very reminiscent of 3D Zeldas, but more complex)
-the same gameplay> everything else mentality as all first party titles
-not needlessly gory for the sake of beeing "visceral, *insert random buzzword* "

...welp, we will never find out.

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That sentiment is shared by a lot of 3rd party producers, thats why there are so few multiplats on Wii U.

I know it's already been said, but that thread title needs to change. That isn't what he said.

oniyide said:
so many salty people in this thread especially the OP. Firstly there was no need to twist the words in the thread title, thats just blatant lying and if you actually read the thing, its not even up to From Software to make the decision if its worth it, that comes from the top of Namco brass so take it up with them. Wii U isnt getting it cause the sales of the system are meh. the Wii? really? its the end of 2013 and thats why you mad? The WII is DONE, not even Ninty is developing for it. THe fact that you think it will run on WIi tells me you never even played the game

My sentiments exactly. Bringing up the Wii is like shooting yourself in the mouth in regards to the third party situation. Not even Nintendo was developing for it at one point.

personally, if DS2 came out on the Wii U I'd buy it.

I wouldn't otherwise. Regardless of whether or not I owned the console it was on.

I don't really know why either. Maybe it's because I'm in the 'support Nintendo' mindset, maybe I'm more prepared to be more experimental with the games I play on Nintendo consoles, maybe I prefer playing harder games on my Nintendo consoles, maybe it's that (from my understanding of the game) the gamepad appears to be a near perfect fit for the franchise... I'm not sure.

I just know that I have a 360, I'm planning on getting a PS4 next year; and I have absolutely no intention of getting DS2 on either. But if it came out on the Wii U I'd snap it up in a shot.

Just like I'm planning on getting Bayonetta 2, despite not properly giving the first one a go (in fact I played the demo and didn't enjoy it). But that's more likely because I had so much fun with Wonderful 101 I want to play more of Platinum's games.

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LurkerJ said:

It's not like Dark Souls has SO MANY FANS on the HD consoles. It sold 2 millions combined on both, PS3 and X360.

160 million install base and it only managed to shift 2 million copies despite being a critical hit. Why was there no Wii version? The game is ugly and it fits the Wii controls. I would've tested the waters with a Wii version at least.

So imagine how amazingly well would it sell on 4 million userbase !!!


And Dark Souls is not an ugly game, its better looking than all Wii games, and the console wouldnt be able to run Dark Souls nowhere near as well as PS3 and 360. Not without major graphical downgrades at least. And not to mention the online infrastructure is a complete mess on Wii. Online play is a major part of dark souls series

curl-6 said:
As a Wii U owner, I certainly don't care for cheap deaths and tedious repetition.

Have you played it?

freebs2 said:
curl-6 said:
As a Wii U owner, I certainly don't care for cheap deaths and tedious repetition.

Have you played it?

I wouldn't comment on it if I hadn't.

curl-6 said:
freebs2 said:
curl-6 said:
As a Wii U owner, I certainly don't care for cheap deaths and tedious repetition.

Have you played it?

I wouldn't comment on it if I hadn't.

Uhmm..ok, fine.

curl-6 said:
think-man said:
curl-6 said:
As a Wii U owner, I certainly don't care for cheap deaths and tedious repetition.

Every death in the souls games is the players fault, if you're dying then your not good enough. the repetition is also only there if you suck, I've never found either game very hard.

I'm no stranger to difficulty. But Dark and Demon's Souls are just plain cheap. Removing what could be hours of progress on dying is unacceptable. Having to redo what you have already done is a textbook example of bad game design. It just isn't fun.

I never had that problem, guess I'm just a pro gamer.

I never had that problem,G