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Forums - Sony Discussion - To ALL those who say GT6 flopped....

A flop is relative to the game.

Imagine if COD or GTA suddenly only sold 5 million units each at launch combined on all platforms. For those games it would be a huge flop.



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Soleron said:
joeorc said:
Soleron said:

So, you don't have any evidence yet. And in the meantime, all we have to go on are past trends.

But like i stated, the PS2 did not have an extensive online store, that the PS3 started off with, and that we have now on the tail end of the PS3's life time.

Trying to use that as a projection for sales data is one thing, but it is not the same type of sales environemt as it was 8 years ago.

Doesn't mean it can be anything you want.

Nsanity said:


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

sales2099 said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
sales2099 said:

I am full aware GT is COD and Forza is BF ;)

Not even close 

O rly?

Metacritic paints a CLEAR winner every time both IPs release. Sure Forza 5 is what it is but that can be attributed to it being a rushed launch title. Otherwise the example holds true.

A FPS gamer will never feel the guns they play in real life. A Sim fan has probably never test driven the cars they drive in-game. We essentially "take their word for it" that the object behaves the way it does.

One sells based on its name...its brand, based on its peak years. The other has more of a cult following, but has quality on its side (see metacritic).

FZ 5 Meta - 80

GT6 Meta - 81

Is this the "quality" you speak of?  Your right, metacritic does paint a CLEAR winner!   :)

@Blood_Tears: The Forza vs GT talk is just as off topic for you than it was for Mmmfishtacos and sales2099. Drop it.

Signature goes here!