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Forums - General Discussion - [Anime] whats your top 10 series right now

1. Kara no Kyoukai
2. Code Geass
3. Nodame Cantabile
4. Great Teacher Onizuka
5. Cowboy Bebop
6. Steins;Gate
7. Outlaw Star
8. Trapeze
9. Trigun
10. FMA: Brotherhood

I would have put Spice and Wolf Season 2 in there but I was combining all the entries in a series as one place. The first season drags it down some.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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pezus said:

In a random order:

Great Teacher Onizuka
Death Note
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (and original tbh)
Code Geass
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Full Metal Panic
Cowboy Bebop

Currently watching Nana, and it's great!

Would list Kara no Kyoukai but that might count as movies?


Xbox live: kyokusanagiii    Watching: Patlabor The Mobile Police (OAV 1)

I know internet people hate mainstream anime, but I've tried watching some niche ones and they've all disappointed me.

Here's my list:

1. Death(o) Note(Noto): simply put a masterpiece. No words to describe its brilliance (apart from one horrible episode).

2. Naruto: Not perfect, but still absolutely superb when it's good. The idea of friendship is strong in this one.

3. Dragon Ball (Z or whatever). Not that good for modern standards but its influence on some many anime that came after it is undeniable. Because of nostalgia it deserves its spot.

4. Sailor Moon: Guilty pleasure, but also a great series in terms of emotion. I think I cried a few times watching it.

5. Attack on Titan: It's hard to explain why it's so good, but it is. It just is. If you haven't watch it, do yourself a favour and spend a day or two watching one of the most exciting series ever made.

6. Bleach: It's great, but not awesome. I really miss it, but there were quite a few storylines that didn't work well and I did find myself being bored while watching most of the fillers.

7. Sword Art Online: Great idea. Not the best anime, but it's worth your time. Why this hasn't been made into a live tv series (similar to hunger games) is beyond me.

8. Fairytail. It ain't perfect, but it's good enough. Fanservice stuff annoy the hell out of me though.

9. Pokemon. Well, it's not fun any more if you're an adult, but it has its moments.

Can't think of a 10th.

Ever? Oh thats tough... let me connect my external drive and check what i have.

Let me see...

1. Cowboy bebop
2. Code Gueass Lelouch of the Rebellion/R2
3. Neon genesis evangelion/OVA
4. Gundam SEED/Destiny
5. Ghost in the Shell SAC/2nd Gig
6. Ah! My goddess/OVA(classic and new)
7. Okiku Furikabutte/season2
8. Psycho Pass
9. Blue gender
10. Death Note

Hastily put together... might be missing something... honorable mentions to Attack on Titan and Hunter x Hunter.

I always hate trying to rate things but whatever in the order I thought of them

Kill la Kill
Cowboy Bebop
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Ghost in the Shell (more for 2nd GIG)
Gurren Lagann
Welcome to the NHK
Clanned After Years
Black Lagoon

Honorable mention to

Death Note

Hellsing Ultimate
Eureka Seven
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Dragon Ball
K-on (for getting me into the slice of life/cute girls doing things genre as much as it kinda weirds me out that I actually like it)
Yozakura Quartet
and Serial Experiments Lain because I am weird


@TheVoxelman on twitter

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I'm very behind on anime, but the ten that come to mind are ...

1 Cowboy Bebop and Gatchaman tie for the pole position for me ( I'll still do a # 2 xD )
2 Death Note
3 Tengen toppa gurren lagann
4 Vampire Hunter D
5 Bleach
6 FMA Brotherhood
7 Gundam Wing
8 Inuyasha
9 Claymore
10 Ronin Warriors (loved this as a kid lol)
11 DBZ (this is the most influential and the first one I liked, so it had to end up on my list, even if it meant at # 11).


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No love for Bleach :/
I love that show

MohammadBadir said:
No love for Bleach :/
I love that show

Getsuga ........... (charges up)  ... TENSHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I LOVE it too ^_^


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

MohammadBadir said:
No love for Bleach :/
I love that show

I haven't watch it yet.

Xbox live: kyokusanagiii    Watching: Patlabor The Mobile Police (OAV 1)

Nice thread! i'll compile the most favoured and watch them (if i havent already) :)