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Forums - Sales Discussion - Post your gaming budget!

Last year was not normal since I bought both a 360 and a Wii. That's $650 (tax-free where I live).
5 new 360 games and 1 used =$340
3 new Wii Games = $150
A butt load of DS games I don't feel like adding up right now, but I'm going to estimate $1300 when added.

I've purchased 1 360, 1 Wii, 2 DS games so far this year, so I say $700 is a good yearly average for me.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

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last year i spent about $600 on games alone for the wii/ds
for my wii system i spent $403.00 my ds system i spent 129.99

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

Last year Ive mostly spent on my PSP/PS2 . I bought a Slim & Lite PSP ( 230 $ ) I would say >25 PSP games ( ~ 450 $ ) , and 7 PS2 games ( ~ 250 $ - yes , they are still expensive ) and some PC games/accessories/PSP accessories/magazines and stuff worth of ~ 200 $ . So Ive also sold my PSP for ~ 150 $ . So total would be ~ 100-1100 $ .

This year I also bought a DS allready ( but I might sell it , because only a month and Im allready bored of it , but I might stick out untiull NGDS ) and a couple of games for it . If Il buy a PS3 than my gaming budget for this year will be ~ 2000-2500 $ , if not , than I think 800-1000 $ will be an accurate estimation .

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

At the moment, I will just be picking up maybe 7-10 games a year.

But towards the end of the generarion, I will be picking up 20-30 games when Platinum ranges and all that are in full flow.

As a rule, though. I do not buy more than 5 used games per console. (last gen 3 of my GC games were used, 4 PS2, and 2 xbox).

15 cents/day.

Actually, that was a joke, but I don't know how far off it is. So far this gen, I've bought 9 games, over 9 and a half month. That is roughly 290 days. The games cost 70 dollars average (That's Norway alright) so 2.3 dollars/day.

That's more than I thought...

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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I don't have enough time to figure out how much I spent on gaming in 2007. I think I could fund a small third-world country.

madskillz said:
I don't have enough time to figure out how much I spent on gaming in 2007. I think I could fund a small third-world country.

 lol ... all the money that is spent on gaming , we could finance Etiopia to become the next Kuwait :P

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I know for one thing I bought a PS3, X360 and 3 PS3 games and 3 X360 games.

I expect 2008 to be a good year for me when I buy a Wii and a bunch of games for all three consoles.

I actually don't spend that much, probably only $200 per year. I do a lot of business on Ebay, buying in bulk and selling individually to support my hobbie.



Oh God... I'm not even sure I want to know. Let's see.

PC Games - approx 10 @ about $5 each (bargain king!) = $50
Wii -mote/Nunchuck = $75
Tiger Wood 07 = $60
Mecury Meltdown = $20
RE4 = $40
M&SatO = $50

So that's $300 on myself - not bad.

On my kids:

2 DS - $320?
2 DS games = $100
2 more DS games for Christmas $60
Wii games for birthday = $100
VC - $60

Probably missing some more but thats over $600. So probably 1k total. My son probably spent another $300 on games too. And LOTS are recieved as gifts.

This year - Wii for my daughter $125 (cost split)
Endless Ocean - $30
Z&W - $30

VC game for Naznatips cause I lost the bet.... grumble, grumble $8

So up to $200 already.