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Oh God... I'm not even sure I want to know. Let's see.

PC Games - approx 10 @ about $5 each (bargain king!) = $50
Wii -mote/Nunchuck = $75
Tiger Wood 07 = $60
Mecury Meltdown = $20
RE4 = $40
M&SatO = $50

So that's $300 on myself - not bad.

On my kids:

2 DS - $320?
2 DS games = $100
2 more DS games for Christmas $60
Wii games for birthday = $100
VC - $60

Probably missing some more but thats over $600. So probably 1k total. My son probably spent another $300 on games too. And LOTS are recieved as gifts.

This year - Wii for my daughter $125 (cost split)
Endless Ocean - $30
Z&W - $30

VC game for Naznatips cause I lost the bet.... grumble, grumble $8

So up to $200 already.